Chapter 38: Letter

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Plumes of steamy breath shot out of my mouth as I hovered over Trenton's body. I felt so many things as I looked over him, regret, anger, sadness.

Here lied another life that I was responsible for.

There were no tears. Trenton and I weren't close enough for those, but it still hurt to see him this way. The blood coating his face and his glassy, empty stare made me shudder.

At least he's with that God of his somewhere.

Everything around me was dead. Helena's Freak army had been almost completely annihilated, along with Trenton. Even the ground around me was dying as the decay of Autumn faded into the icy death that was winter. I looked up into the night sky where the snow was beginning to fall, trying to slow the adrenaline coursing inside me. 

What was I going to do now?

I knew the answer to that question: run. Even with this unexplainable power inside me growing, I knew that it would take nothing short of a miracle to overcome Helena and her Freak army; and I was not that miracle. Sure, I'd hate myself for leaving Kya and the others behind, but I'd be alive.

I turned to head out of the clearing, but my stomach dropped as I noticed something caught between Trenton's fingers. It was an envelope. I eyed the letter warily while reaching for it. It wasn't like a typical mailing envelope, this one had been custom made. It was a firm but bendable cardboard and had been shut tight with a red wax seal.

I quickly opened the envelope, nearly ripping it in the process, and began to read off of a fancy piece of paper.

Dear Z,

It feels weird being this formal with you, but this is the best way for us to communicate now.

If you're reading this message you know that I've officially gone the way of the Dodo, Michael Jackson, and the McRib after that Hepatitis C scare a few years back.

Yes, I am dead. Fortunately for you, I saw it coming.

It was safer this way, in all the other alternate futures where I lived, Helena acquired my DNA or used my abilities against you. I don't think I need to harp about what would have happened had any of those futures become a reality...

Anyhow, you are now standing over my lifeless body and wondering what your next steps will be. Have no fear, I got you covered.

You'll notice that the Beast you "killed" is now gone.

My heart leapt at the words on the paper. I reeled around, expecting the creature to be lunging for me again, claws out. But there was nothing. Only an empty patch of imprinted dirt where the Beast's body had once been. I tried listening for distant movement and heard something a few miles out making its way through the woods away from me. I turned back to finish the letter while breathing a sigh of relief.

Made you look...

Her name is Kali, she's one of the first of our kind. You're going to need her help if you want to save the others, so I'd suggest hearing her out before you try and kill her again.

To find her, head towards the mountains and follow the trail of blood. Once you two are properly acquainted have her show you to the eastern entrance of the park. There will be a black automated Cadillac that will take you where you need to go. My next letter awaits you there.

I know you want to keep running, but you need to know that you can't escape her. Helena finds you every time, which means either way you'll face her eventually. Might as well make it on your terms and not hers.

Oh yeah, don't mourn for me. I know people say this all the time, but I really am in a better place.

P.S. That thing you're thinking about doing in a few seconds. Do it. It'll be the push you need to end all this. 

I had no idea what "push" Trenton was talking about at the end there, but it didn't matter. The other instructions were succinct and clear enough. When I was finished I took the letter over to a stray flame that was still crackling and let it burn. The glossy paper crumbled and flaked away into ash as it wafted into the chill night air.

I looked up towards the mountains, which were a black silhouette against the even darker night sky. Everything inside was screaming for me to run, this was my chance. Helena was expecting me to come to her, that would give me a head start.

Let her try and catch me.

It was on my way out that I passed by that mechanical whirring sound from before. I looked over to where Twitch's body had fallen and saw it seizing up, but alive. Even after everything that Santiago and Adam had done to her she had still survived.

A thought occurred to me, but I set it aside and kept walking. Then the same thought returned, this time more intense, forcing me to turn back to her.

Twitch's body was laying face up in the dirt still spasming. Her mouth was agape and I could tell she was trying to speak, or scream, but like Bone's, was unable to do so. I shook my head and cautiously began to walk towards Twitch, the mechanical whirring growing louder as I approached.

Her creepy, metal eyes stared back at me. I could tell by the way she was moving that she had no control over any part of her body except for her head. Her lips were quivering and her face was contorted like she was trying to cry, but was unable too. She looked afraid, or was it anger?

My fury seethed as I looked at her; this was my enemy. This woman deserved to die. She was a monster. I moved in close, my hands going for her throat as I prepared to finish her.

And that's when I stopped, my body becoming overwhelmed with that familiar, unspeakable pain I knew so well.

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