Those purple eyes

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My eyes widened in surprise. I looked at the guy standing in front of me.

   The teacher looked at the whole class "Starting today, he will be your new classmate." He told the new student to introduce himself.

  The green haired guy began to speak, his voice sounding deep, but at the same time seductive."My name's Shin. I'm glad to be part of this class and I hope you welcome me."

My body began to tremble. All I could see was black around me. Then that image came back into my mind. I could see people scream, closing their eyes, waiting for someone to save them. I could see happiness too, but not enough to cover the disaster. All those mixed up emotions covered my head, surrounding me completely. I forgot my own identity and existence, finding myself sinking deeper into those black memories. My whole body was aching as a strange tingling surrounded it.
I suddenly widened eyes looking around, confused for some seconds as my sight finally fell on Satomi, who was slightly shaking my shoulder." looked absent...does something bother you?"

I looked straight forward at the new student, trying not to be so obvious."'s nothing. I'm okay....thanks."

The teacher was talking and making large moves with his hands, but I was still analyzing the new student, not hearing what was talking about around me.
Shin began to walk forward, taking the empty seat besides Kagami and sat down.

From that moment on, the class ran the same as always, till the moment the bell rang and interrupted it.

The girls in our class were the first ones to greet Shin and surrounded him, talking about different stuff.
I took my lunch out and began to eat, still feeling my body twitching nervously.
Satomi took my lunch box and started eating, without even asking me,beginning to talk with her mouth filled with food"Can you believe it? A new sexy and handsome guy shows up in our class and he's instantly taken away and surrounded by some of our idiot girls...."

I chuckled looking at Satomi, who was obviously mad, due to the fact that she already had a crush on Kagami.
As I kept eating, I looked forward instinctively, only to see Shin walking in our direction. I quickly threw a look at Satomi as she understood and turned around, facing him.

Shin scratched the back of his head with a childish move and then looked at us."Uhm...I'm really sorry for disturbing, but...I met every classmate of yours and I still don't know you two... ." He stretched his arm to Satomi and smiled"I'm Shin....nice to meet you..."
Satomi stood up and grabbed his arm, smiling back"I'm Satomi....hope we'll get along well..."

I looked at both of them. Satomi was the tallest girl in our class, taller than some of the guys, but Shin was way taller than her, fact that made him look more dominant.

He then moved to side and looked at me. I kept standing down for some seconds, then realized I need to greet him and quickly stood up, stretching my arm"I'm Reina...sorry for not paying attention, I was thinking at something else."
Shin grabbed my hand gently, looking at me and smiled warmly"I'm Shin, also, it's okay..."
I kept holding his hand, looking at his purple eyes having the extreme strange feeling I knew him for some long time, or that I've seen him, but I couldn't remember where or when.

Suddenly I let his hand go, blushing a bit as I realized I was staring at him"W-Well....I hope we'll get along..." I sat down again, pretending to concentrate at something else as I saw him leaving.
  Satomi sat down besides me winking"Well Well.....look who's blushing....". She was so happy about having the chance to take her revenge.

    I kept looking at the green haired male and analyze him, while he walked away. He was so familiar, his face, body, scent. But mostly, his beautiful purple eyes. I felt my chest hurting.....I remember seeing them somewhere and remember that the last time I saw was extremely painful, but I couldn't remember where and when....

A.N(So.....yeah, here's another chapter. As I keep saying. Don't judge the grammar. But still....I hope you liked it^^)

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