Chapter One

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Amineh POV

I knew he was going to find out soon, but I thought I had at least a little bit of time to minimize my losses. Who am I kidding? He does this investigating crap for a living.

I sat on the bed and started unstrapping my heels to relieve my aching feet. If they weren't so expensively irresistible, I'd be using them as door stops rather than allowing them to murder my poor feet.

I could hear him walking down the hallway coming towards the room.

Even though, I stood behind the door of our bedroom I could still picture his tall, muscular frame walking unfittingly down the pink floral printed hallway. He surprised me and decorated the walls for me last year out of the blue; probably to ease his guilty conscience.

It seemed as though he were taking ages to walk the length of such a small hallway.

He was on the phone when I came home with who I guess was the chief. Once he saw me walk through the door, he mouthed "we need to talk". I knew he caught me, but I still tried to look confused like I had absolutely no idea what the conversation was going to be about.

He walked in the room, eyeing me with those unnatural dark blue eyes, pressing his pink lips together. Okay so, he wasn't mad but he wasn't exactly happy.

So, I was just going to play it cool.

He stood with one of his hands on his hips and ran the other through his short brown hair and began, "Wh-".

But before he could get a word out, I took the initiative, as I always seem to do and interrupted him to tell my side of the story.

I ended up rushing out all my words giving him no chance to stop me, "The shoes were marked down from $350 to $199, all of the jeans were half price, the underwear were a tad bit pricey I know but they're the ones you like, and if I had any idea the shipping and handling was so much I wouldn't have bought it but by the time I noticed I had already confirmed the order and I know that you had told me to wait until the next week to buy anything with my card but the sale ended that day." I finished and inhaled much needed air.

It was then I registered that the whole time he had been staring at me, both hands on his hips now with that uncanning smirk he knows I try so hard to hate. So much for playing it cool, I just panicked and told on myself. Either way the truth would have came out, because one im not a very good liar and two the guilt would have got to me.

In tune only with my thoughts I hadn't noticed that he had closed the distance between us. I looked up his tall frame to meet his stupid smirk and captivating blue eyes that held all the humor in the world.

Wrapping his arm around my waist, "they better be leopard printed, I don't like that flower crap", he said. Then he laughed, not just a "oh that was pretty funny laugh" but a "my insides are hurting, I can't catch my breath laugh." And I couldn't help but join in as we both found humor in my big mouth and embarrassment.


I couldn't help but laugh at her need to always have the first and last say. Especially, when she looked at me with her beautiful, pleading, brown eyes and spoke with her hypnotizing voice and tried to desperately explain why she had spent $500 in our shared account all in one hour. Indeed, I do set aside a thousand or so a month for her shopaholic tendencies, something I could never tell her because we would have to buy a third closet to support her already oversized wardrobe. I wanted to give her the impression I was angry when she walked in tonight but when I walked in the room just now and saw pure perfection sitting in front of me, with her full lips, that complimented her beautiful brown skin and her petite, yet toned frame that went perfectly with her pleasant backside and edible legs; I couldn't even keep up the act anymore.

So, I began to laugh at her ignorance but then became entranced by her own laughter, which to others seemed to be overly loud and obnoxious, but to me was the sweetest of all music. So for a moment, I just stared longingly at this lovely woman that I dont deserve.

I couldn't help but voice the truth, "I don't deserve you," I said kissing her and caressing her soft cheek.

Realizing that she had been the only one laughing for a while she eyed me suspiciously saying, "No, I don't deserve you; I just spent $800 of our money on clothes, shoes, and purses and you're not even mad," she commented, laughing to herself and heading downstairs.

She had no idea how serious I was about my statement and if I wasn't so consumed with my thoughts or the way her plump behind looked in that pencil skirt I would have commented on the fact that she spent three hundred dollars more than what I previously thought...


****Okay first chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading. God Bless!

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