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Hazel's POV

I couldn't believe I got caught. Out of all my friends I was the one to get caught trying to sneak back in to school after successfully sneaking out and leaving the grounds to go have some fun. So here I was on the last day of school before summer holidays waiting to see which guardian would be coming to escort me home. I got lucky that it was the last day of school otherwise I would of had to have more etiquette lessons on why princesses should not be sneaking out. Luckily for me I just have to deal with an awkward car ride home with someone from the palace. The door opened and the Headmistress walked in. 

"Princess your brother is here." She said. My eyes widened at that. Well I wasn't expecting that. My brother walked in and I tried not to laugh when I saw that it was Harry. Send the rebellious one to pick up the troublesome sister. Yeah thats smart.

"Your luggage has already been put into the car and don't worry I filled in Prince Harry all about your rebellious behavior and the trouble you've gotten into this year." She said. I rolled my eyes at that and my headmistress gave me a look. I could almost read her mind. 'Princesses don't roll their eyes.' she would say to me constantly. I never listen.

I stood up and curtsied "Thank you headmistress for filling my brother in. I hope you have a great summer holiday. See you in the fall." I said. She could clearly tell I was faking all of it. 

"Oh you don't know?" She said and I gave her a confused look. "You're not coming back next semester." She said with a stupid grin on her face. I was now beyond confused. But before I could even ask what she meant she left. I looked at my brother and all he did was gesture me to walk out the door. I rolled my eyes and walked out the door and out of the school.

I smiled at my driver as he opened the door for me. "Thank you Daniel." I said. "Your welcome Princess. It's good to see you again." He said and I smiled and nodded. I slid into the car and then Harry got in and sat across from me. Daniel closed the door and got in the drivers seat and we started driving. This was going to be one long drive.

"So got into a bit of trouble this year I see." Harry said with a smirk on his face. This was the exact moment I was questioning whoever's decision it was to send Harry to come pick me up.

"Really what gave that away." I said sarcastically. 

"Thats not very lady like Hazel." He said and I scoffed.

"Look who's talking you only just started acting like a prince." I said. And he rolled his eyes at me.

"Alright what did you do this time on the last night of school?" He asked.

"I snuck out with friends after curfew and we went to the village and had some fun. And as I was trying to sneak back in I got caught by one of the professors that was wandering the halls." I said.

"Did your friends get caught?" He asked.

"Nope just me. Ain't I lucky." I said.

"You shouldn't be sneaking out and going off grounds. Do you have any idea what would happen if someone saw you "having fun" and took a picture of you and sent it to the newspaper? You'd be all over the front page for your rebellious ways." He said.

"So your always on the front page for your rebellious ways. I guess its my turn." I said.

"No its not. God Hazel why all of a sudden you've started acting like this? What happen to my sweet innocent little sister who always wanted to hang out with her big brothers?" He asked. I gave him a 'Are you fucking kidding me' look. 

"You have no right to talk. You and William and Father abandoned that sweet and innocent little girl back when I was eight. Do you know what thats like? To have to question what I did wrong that all of a sudden my father and my brothers stopped coming to see me all the time. Stopped coming to tuck me into bed and tell me stories about mom. Do you know what thats like? To realize that you aren't good enough, that you weren't wanted. Because thats what I felt like at the age of eight. I had to grow up without a mother and the three people that I thought was suppose to take care of me and raise me ended up abandoning me and leaving me to be raised by nannies. So don't go and say what happened to that innocent little girl. I'm not like that anymore because of my own family." I said. 

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