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** YAY new chapter! Thank you everyone for being patient and for all the comments. This story unfortunately won't have a set day that it will come out because things change and things happen. I'm a college student with a hefty workload so please I know you mean well but don't keep commenting when the next chapter will be cause I honestly don't know its just whenever I have enough free time to actually write one. So I thank you all for all the support and for reading. Now please enjoy a new chapter!**

William's POV

Harry and I stood there in the garden watching the seen before us. We had unfortunately heard what Hazel had said to Kate. It was unfortunate probably for her but I know I was thankful that I heard what she had said and Harry probably felt the same way. I felt like such an awful big brother. Like I had let her down and because of that I let my mother down too. I was suppose to protect her, take her places that Mother had taken Harry and I when we were younger, to make sure that we had a somewhat normal life, and the most important thing was that I was suppose to tell her about our Mother. Tell her about how happy Mother was to be having a girl. How excited she was when Hazel was born. The first time Mother had held Hazel in her arms, Mother said it was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced. Of course she felt like that when Harry and I were born and she would always make sure that Harry and I knew that, but she would then go on and say that with Hazel it was different. She had always wanted to have a little girl. I remember one night, a few weeks before Mother died, I had found her in Hazel's nursery just staring down at the sleeping baby. I of course should of probably had been in bed and if my Father had caught me I would of been in big trouble, but with Mother it was different. I walked closer to her and I stood next to her and looked down at my baby sister who was sleeping so peacefully, with not a care in the world. Mother looked up at me and smiled and pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"You should be sleeping." she said. 

"I couldn't sleep. Please don't be mad." I said. Mother smiled at me and shook her head.

"I guess this onetime is okay." She said and then turned her attention back to Hazel. I looked Hazel and I didn't understand in that moment why Mother was so fixated on Hazel as she slept. 

"Mom why are you watching Hazel sleep?" I asked. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. 

"Because my son for some reason it just doesn't feel real." she said. I looked at her confused. What did that mean it doesn't feel real. How could Hazel being there not feel real. She must of noticed my confused look and she continued talking. " William when I had you and Harry I was very excited. You two made me a mother. Something that since I was a little girl I always dreamed of being. And even at that young age I thought what it would be like to have a baby girl. A little mini me to dress up in beautiful dresses, and to teach how to be a Princess. After I had Harry I didn't think I would get that chance again to have another baby. To have the little girl I had always wanted." she said now staring back down at Hazel and a small smile made its way on to my mothers face.

"When I found out that I was pregnant again I was thrilled. Even though your father and I's relationship wasn't as stable as I would of liked it to be, especially when I was about to bring another baby in to the mix. I just couldn't not be happy. Even in that moment I didn't care about what was going to happen with your father and I's relationship. All I knew in that moment was that I was pregnant again and I couldn't be happier. I was getting another chance. Now of course I would of been happy and I would of loved the baby if it turned out to be a boy no matter what. But when I gave birth to Hazel and the doctors said Congratulations its a girl. I could not stop smiling. I didn't want to let her go. I was afraid that if I did that it would turn out to not have been real." she said. I understood a bit what she was saying. In reality Hazel was moms miracle baby. Hazel was the daughter she always wanted but didn't think she would be blessed with another perfect child.

"I understand mom and I'm not jealous or upset. Hazel is lucky to have you as her mom." I said looking up at my mother who just looked down at me and smiled and leaned down to kiss my head and pull me closer to her.

"William I need you to promise me something." she said. 

I looked at my mom confused but nodded. "Sure mom what is it?" I asked.

She looked at me with a very serious face which made me worried all of a sudden. "Promise me that if something were to happen to me and I was taken from you and Harry and Hazel that you will be the brave boy I know you are and watch over your little brother and sister. If something were to happen to me I need you to be strong for me okay? I need you to tell Hazel stories about me so she knows that I truly did love her and I didn't want to leave her. I need you to make sure that she has some fun adventures like the ones I took you and Harry on. I need you to promise me William that you will look after her and protect her. Can you promise me that William?" She asked.

I looked at my mother in shock and confusion. Why was she talking about this? Nothing was going to happen to her. She was perfectly healthy. I didn't understand at the time why my mother was saying this to me. But as I looked in to her eye I could see the seriousness of the situation and I knew that she wasn't joking. I looked at my mom still confused but I nodded.

"Of course mom. I'll watch over them both and I'll make sure Hazel has a childhood like the one you gave us. I'll be the best big brother to her and I'll always protect her. I promise." I said. She smiled at me and gave me another squeeze.

"Alright mister lets get you back to bed and try not to wake your sister okay." She said. I nodded and she took me back to my room and tucked me in, even though I was probably too old to be tucked in by my mother I still allowed her to do it. She kissed my head and smiled at me. "I love you William." She said.

"I love you too mom." I said.

2 weeks later our mother was dead and the seriousness of that conversation came rushing back to me and I tried at the young age that I was to keep my promise I made to our mother.

Unfortunately, it looks like I failed my mother and my sister.

** Alright not a long chapter but I didn't want to write too much and then not have anything to write in the next chapter. I would like you all to tell me what you'd like to see in this story. I want to know some ideas you have and maybe I can use some of them. Thank you guys so much. Hopefully I'll have a new chapter up soon but don't hold me to it please.

Living in my families shadows (Royal family story) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now