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Hazel's POV

It's been a week since my brothers found Kate and I in the garden. I could see by the looks on their faces that they were sorry. Not just for that day, but for not being there for me growing up. I did accept their apologizes and I did hear them out. I just don't know. I want them to be my big brothers. I want that relationship with them, but I'm afraid that it's already too late. That so much has happened and that so much time has passed. I really want to hope that we can get that relationship and I trust that we will, it's just going to take time. I think they know that and I know Kate could probably sense that too. Luckily, both my brothers have been so busy with royalty business that I have rarely seen them.

Ever since the incident everyone has been giving me more attention. My father talks to me more often when he's around and not busy, same with Camilla. Grandmother has been there for me ever since I was little. She was always teaching me how to be a princess and getting me etiquette lessons and teaching me everything I needed to know about the royal family. While my grandfather was the one always making sure I was having fun and being a kid. He would take me on trips, he got someone to teach me how to play soccer, which when my grandmother found out she wasn't really happy but she saw how happy I was and had let me continue playing. Grandfather also taught me how to shoot too, which my grandmother and my father weren't very happy about when they found out but I didn't care.

I was back living in Kensington Palace now and all I could say was that it was good to be home. My maid, Mary, came in and helped me get ready for the day as I thought about what I had to do today. Which at this moment I couldn't remember if I actually had anything planned that I needed to do.

I smiled at Mary after she finished doing my my hair, which was just in a pretty braid. After she left I got up and left my room and went downstairs to eat. When I got down there I was very surprised to see my brothers and Kate in the dining room.

"Good morning." I said shocked. I had no idea my brothers would be down for breakfast. I figured they had already left.

"Good morning sister. How are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in days?" Harry said.

"You haven't seen me in days because you've been so busy. Which is fine you are the Princes. You have a lot of duties that have to be taken care of and events you have to go to." I said. The three of them looked at me and sighed. It wasn't Kate's fault I saw her more then I saw my brothers since the confrontation and she's been such a big help all the times I've seen her.

I guess I'm just bored. At my age of 13, theres nothing really I can do. Even though I am a Princess I'm still young and I'm supposed to enjoy my youth, as my grandmother says. Which means the events I do get to attend are the events the entire family would attend. While I'm home I am in what I would call "Princess in training". This "training" is suppose to help me and prepare me for when I'm older and when I can attend more important events that I would be going to on my own.

William looked over at me and gave me a small smile. "We're sorry Hazel that we've been so busy to actually spend time with you. We know that right now things are difficult between the three of us and we really want that to change and it looks like its just going to take time." He said. Harry nodded agreeing with William.

"I know that guys. I completely understand. I'm not mad about not spending time with you guys, I think I'm just bored. I feel trap here in the palace and theres nothing for me to do, nor do I have anything planned for me to do." I said letting out a small sigh.

"Well why don't you go and visit your friends?" Kate said. I looked up at her and smiled big. Kate was a genius.

"Kate, you are a genius! William, do you think grandmother will allow me to go and visit my friends for the summer?" I asked looking at William with a look of pleading and desperation.

Living in my families shadows (Royal family story) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now