· Look at you now. Who are you? Where are you? What do you feel?
- Yes, do look at me. I am self-aware. Not in a bad way. It just means that I know who, and what I am. I accept my faults and my unethical ways. I am where I told myself I should be. Society has this set image of what life should be. Even though I believe that we should be and do as we please. I accept the harsh truth. We must follow the rules. I feel numb. I'm not sure I even know what I feel. But I know that I used to feel. So there's that.
· How can you accept yourself? Why do you follow the rules? Why don't you feel?
- Somehow I know that my life is planned. I am my worst enemy, I am my best chance. I am what I need. I don't need anyone else to tear me down. I follow as the rules say. If we don't follow them than we, as a whole, shatter. So we must follow, with the plan to lead, I followed once. I followed the words one soul once said. They would speak and I hung onto every word. It was foolish really. And that foolishness lead to my total destruction of emotion. That is why I don't feel.
· When you say anyone else" what do you mean? How do you plan to lead? Do you speak of love?
- I mean what I said. Nothing deeper. I don't intend to lead a nation or even a movement. If one day I do then I will. For now I lead myself, no one nothing else. I lead myself because how can a leader lead without having lead themselves? Love I thought I once knew it thought I once felt it. I thought I once had it. Love is the most powerful weapon. It's viewed as a good thing, but in the wrong hand it does great damage. It destroyed me but built me. As they built me they destroyed me. I was their greatest project.
· Do you mind elaborating on this "love"?
- I was a simple project. To be built and destroyed. I was what I believed to be my worst. They chipped at this doing what I though was making me better. Once they reaches the last chip they struck me. Hard. Reaching into me, grasped what innocence was left within. They crushed it. Then I was left on my own. I knew nothing but to go back. Over and over and over trying to be what they wanted. However, unknowingly I too began my destruction of them. I was their product. I was their accomplishment. And what creator doesn't want to view their creation?
· Can you elaborate?
- In simple words, for the simple mind. What they chipped away was my front, what protected the "little girl" who had wonder and love in her eyes. When they reached her they crushed her. All that was left was uncertainty and something dark. That was what built me. It is that uncertainty that keeps the darkness at bay. It's such a bitter sweet event.
· What is the sweet?
- I was loved. I dared to let love in. My "dark side" was on the outside. They helped me bring out the light. Don't you see? That was the ultimate change. Humans judge involuntarily by what they see. What they did was turn me inside out. I was dark outside yet innocent inside. I was taken as something odd and dangerous. No one wanted me and they changed that. Because of them I was able to approach others.
· So now you're innocent on the outside? Didn't you say that they crushed that?
- They did. Now all that's left is her image and memory. Because of those two I am who I am. I've been seen as dark and now as light. Now I control what amount of darkness shows. The biggest threat to mankind is the one they cannot see.
· Oh... What closing words do you have?
- If you're able to be a good honest person do that. I've been split in half. I know how both sides feel. And it feels good. I've reveled in both. Thankfully I know what "the right thing to do" is. It's the memory of what innocence is and feels like that allows that thought process. For example, if I acted upon them I'd be behind bars. My crimes could range from a simple robbery to man slaughter. But I know better. I have to. If I am to survive. I am the line on every subject. I am a truthful liar, a loyal cheater, a joyful terror, and all the greatest polar opposites. I am yin and yang.
One Page.
SpiritualName says it all, One Page. One page of what i felt like writing.