You'll never understand why some people appear to love you with every fiber of their being one day and the next they seem to feel absolutely nothing. That person isn't as heartless as others paint them to be. They'll always appear to be the most hated being. Ruthless and judged negatively. I'm not saying that that's all in the wrong, I'm simply saying that their reasons aren't well understood. It sounds a bit complicated and twisted, I know, but I want you to understand me.
That person really did love you. At some point their love was pure and true, so please don't feel too bad. What happened is that their love, somehow and for some reason, began to diminish. Why didn't they tell you? Really? Would that have made all this better? Ok maybe. But try to understand them first. They were scared. Do you know how much it sucks to slowly lose love for someone? No? Well I'm sure it sucks. It must suck to suddenly notice that your love isn't as strong. To notice that suddenly what they adored most is becoming what they loath the most. It must suck for them to notice that their smile becomes forced each time more and more because if they don't smile you'll ask them what's wrong, and quite frankly they can't handle that. It must suck to notice that their kisses become less and less meaningful until it feels like nothing but two pair of lips simply touching to them. It must suck to notice that their 'I love you' has now become a simple common phrase. Something to repeat because you say it. It must be scary to notice all this and keep it to their self.
And all for what you ask? For you. They choose to live the lie, the illusion just a bit more for the sake of sparing you some pain. But that's where they fuck up. They become selfish in their attempt of being selfless. They unmeaning do more harm than good. I know it hurts to know this. And believe me it's completely normal to feel that. The cause is sometimes known and sometimes unknown.
Honestly it would be a good idea to have a small self-reflection with yourself. I tell you this because, and believe me you won't like this, even if you accept it or not you did something for this to happen. No, no it's not like that. I'm not saying that it's all your fault, calm down. I'm only saying this because I know that you two are at fault here. Let's not appear to be the victim. No one is totally and completely innocent here. Something happened. Maybe your attitude changed a bit. Maybe you stopped doing something that meant a lot to them. Something changed or happened here. If you feel bad it's fine. If this angers you that's fine too. I don't blame you. But you both kept quiet about the subtle changes. No one said a thing or pointed it out. And if they did than you turned a deaf ear to them. And if you did than they turned the deaf ear to you. Either way, the two of you stopped functioning.
In the end you both got hurt. But guess what, life goes on. Something else is coming and please don't fear it when it arrives. Accept that you might get hurt again and that you will cry again, but you will learn. Life goes on, learn from it. In the end, and maybe you won't believe this but I love you.
One Page.
SpiritualName says it all, One Page. One page of what i felt like writing.