Ch. 4 : Fear

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Ray was bathing in the river they had set camp near to wash the labor of the day away. She leaned her head back in the water to wet her hair when she felt a presence, it wasn't Naruto or Jiriya she recognized that chakra. 'No' she thought to herself whipping her head out of the water, "I see your as strong as ever" she saw a silhouette on the bank. She covered herself best she could as she backed towards the opposite side of the river from the silhouette, as she backed out of the water covering herself best she could. "I'm going to need to you come back home now" the silhouette began to walk across the river, the moonlight revealing that it was Madara. "No" Ray suddenly disappeared, Madara looked around seeking out her chakra signature, "oh do you really think you can keep me from dragging you back you brat" he continued to look around. Ray said nothing, she hid herself in a tree nearby, keeping him in her sights. Madara began to become inpatient "you fucking bitch you will return with me now!" he voice boomed through the forest, alerting Naruto and Jiriya.

"What was that?" Naruto looked to Jiriya who was sitting nearby, "let's go find out" Jiriya said jumping up running toward the sound with Naruto close behind.

Madara had begun randomly throwing kunai at every movement he sensed in the forest, "don't you toy with me!" he continued looking around for her. Ray kept herself well hidden, she sent her clones out here and there to confuse him. She wasn't sure how to get out of this situation, 'I can't just run off he will chase me no problem and I don't think I have the power to eliminate him'.

"Who are you!?!" Naruto yelled as him and Jiriya broke through the tree line, they knew Ray had come this way to bathe, but saw her nowhere, just this mysterious person standing on the river. 'No! Naruto, Jiriya what are you doing here' she screamed inside herself. "What do we have here" Madara turned his attention to the two of them, "what have you done with Ray?!" Naruto growled, "I have done nothing with her I just wish to bring my lost daughter back home" he snickered, "daughter?" Naruto kept his aggressive composure but was slightly confused. Having heard Ray's past Jiriya made the connection 'this must be who she said was called Madara' he pulled a kunai out ready to battle. 'I can't let them fight him' Ray struggled with what she should do. "Yes, daughter, you see I've raised her and being a temperamental teen, she ran off" Madara thought he had them fooled he didn't know Jiriya knew.

'Kurama?' Ray turned inward to speak with him, she stood in her consciousness it had changed since she left Amegakure. It was once a dark nothingness of despair that went on forever, now though were fields that went on for miles with beautiful green grass and what seemed to be a bright blue sky. 'Kurama what do I do?' she looked to the nine-tail fox who stood directly in front of her laying his head on the ground to keep the best eye contact he could. 'I don't think you have had enough training to avoid the sharingan Ray' he said with despair, 'but I can't just let him kill Naruto and possibly Jiriya' she argued with the fox, 'you have trained in the art of secrecy' he smirked. Ray cupped her chin thinking for a moment, 'I have' she smiled knowing he already knew, since they shared the same consciousness. 'Just don't look him in the eye and be careful, I would help since we are out of that ratchet place but I still don't think it wise to let him know I reside in you he's already after Naruto because of my other half inside of him' Kurama hoped she would heed his warning, 'I will Kurama I couldn't do anything to risk losing you' she then hugged his nose which was as big as she was.

Ray joined reality again noticing nothing had happened in the time she was gone. She then began to concentrate as she did the wind picked up but not enough for anybody to notice it was her doing. She simply concentrated as a battle ensued between Naruto, Jiriya and Madara, as they attacked him he shown his jutsu as their punches passed through him. But Jiriya noticed Madara was losing strength fast, faster than any s-class ninja should. 'What's going on, could Madara really be this weak' he thought as he attempted to hit Madara once more. Not too long after Jiriya noticed this abnormality Madara did as well. "I'll be back you can be sure of that" he then vanished, Jiriya and Naruto still stood at the ready when Ray cleared her throat, causing Naruto to throw a kunai preemptively. Ray caught it by the handle, "he's gone" she threw the kunai to his feet, "oh shit" he looked at the kunai. "I'm sorry I thought it was that weird dude we thought he took you!" Naruto yelled as he walked in the direction Ray's voice came from. "Stop!" she yelled, "huh, what's wrong, are you ok" he yelled concerned. "Umm I don't know if you noticed but my clothes are still on the river bank" she blushed in the shadows. Jiriya and Naruto's faces grew bright red, "so y-your ..." he stuttered, "would you two mind giving me some privacy?" she cleared her throat once more. "Y-yea" Naruto stuttered once more as he walked away stiffly, Jiriya shortly behind him. Once they were gone she dressed herself and returned to their company, "hey" she stood there embarrassed. "Are you ok?" Naruto jumped up "Yea, I'm sorry, he showed up and I froze but Kurama gave me the confidence I needed," she smiled happy with how she helped. "How is that?" Jiriya asked, "another jutsu I have in my arsenal" she began "it's a chakra depleting jutsu, I use the wind to inconspicuously carry the jutsu for tasks such as that, and I combine it with lighting to pin point the chakra points" she admitted. "I suppose that's why he was getting so weak" Jiriya looked to her for confirmation and she simply nodded. "So why didn't it work on us?" Jiriya held his hand out with question, "I pinpointed him, leaving you two to feel the breeze freely" she smiled as she sat down with them. Jiriya nodded, "Who's Kurama?" Naruto asked confused, "oh...umm..." Ray wasn't sure if she should tell him just yet he wasn't as experienced as Jiriya, "a conversation for another day" Jiriya slapped him on the back. "Owwww what was that for!!!" Naruto turned to Jiriya completely forgetting about his question. 'How am I supposed to sleep knowing he's out for me now?' Ray thought nervously.

She lay there awake, not able to sleep, 'will I ever be able to outrun his reach?' Jiriya watched her as he sat upon a large tree branch, he decided there was no reason to say anything, she probably wouldn't listen to him anyways.

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