Ch. 29 : Name Day

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As the months went by Ray's belly began to grow, pretty much everybody else that was paired up was getting pregnant as well, Ino, Hinata and Sakura although Naruto was the only one that really knew when Sauske came back to impregnate her. Shikamaru also asked Kakashi to not give her any risky missions to keep the baby healthy, because she refused to stop taking them. He thought he was smooth about it but Ray knew, she just let him have his glory. Ray was days away from her due date, "Shikamaru" She called from the bathroom as she took a bath it seemed to be the only thing to help her back pains, "what is it?" he came in the door lazily. "You know one of these times I'm going to be going into labor, and you're going to walk in here slow and I'm gonna have the baby in this bathtub" she complained pulling herself up a little. Shikamaru yawned, he had gotten use to her attitude with her pregnancy mood swings, "whatever, can you help me?" she held her arm out wishfully, he walked over taking both her arms in his helping her up carefully. She winced in pain, "are you ok?" he helped her step out of the tub, "yea just a cramp" she held her stomach which was massive. "You sure?" he placed his hand on her back keeping his other hand ready if she needed any more help as he made her way to the room, "yea" she nodded just before she winced in pain once more doubling over best she could, "I'm not going into labor, my water would have broken" she reassured him as if reading his mind. Shikamaru helped her sit on a nearby chair in the room, just as she sat she let out a menacing scream, "holy shit!" she held her stomach closing her eyes in pain. "Ray!" Shikamaru knelt in front of her, "Ok, I'll admit this is a little worse than a cramp," she panted as the pain began to recede, "Ray do you realize you just got out of the bath" Shikamaru placed his hands on her thighs, "and?" she began to wince feeling the pain coming back. "You wouldn't have known if your water broke" he shook his head, Ray's eyes shot open, "your right...we have to get to the hospital" she began to get up but found it difficult. "Troublesome woman" he ran to get some cloths for her. "Fuck the cloths get my robe" she managed to finally get herself out of the chair, "but..." Shikamaru began to protest when she yelled, partially impatient but mostly in pain, "get the damn robe!" he quickly changed his plan grabbing her robe draping it around her as she put her arms through each sleeve. Shikamaru walked her to the living room picking up a bag they had prepared for the occasion along the way, "get Naruto and your mother" Ray demanded, "how about we get you to the hospital first" he continued to help her as they began to leave the house. Ray didn't accept this, she would have the baby as soon as they got to the hospital if they made it, 'wait I can't walk all the way to the hospital like this it's too far' she thought. "Shikamaru, how the hell are we going to make it to the hospital?" she stopped, as he opened the door. "Well make it" he gestured her to follow him, "no we won't, the baby's being born here" she winced in pain, he then closed the door, "how?" he looked at her not sure what to do. She began to weave a few signs "what are you doing!" he yelled, she then summoned a few small birds, who all flew off immediately. "why are you doing jutsu while you're in labor!" he protested, "it's too late to argue now" she took the time in-between her contractions to make her way back to the bathroom, "where are you going?" he followed her to assure her safety. "Back to the bathroom, I'm not having this baby on the furniture if I can help it" she screamed, another contraction devouring her insides. 'She seems to be in a lot of pain and she's worried about the furniture?' Shikamaru watched her exhausted. She finally made it to the bathroom, sitting down on the floor with Shikamaru's assistance, "Ray!" her and Shikamaru heard somebody yelling from the front door, "were back here!" Ray yelled. Soon Sakura came in the bathroom, "Shikamaru get her some pillows, damn" Sakura ordered, "she said..." he began to protest but Sakura cut him off, "get them now!" she yelled, "ok, ok, this is such a drag" he got up to go get some pillows hastily, "if I hear you say drag one more time I will send you into next week" Sakura barked. "How long have you been having contractions?" Sakura turned her attention to Ray, "I don't know, it feels like it's been forever" Ray screamed out in pain, "it's been about 30 minutes" Shikamaru entered the bathroom with the pillows he was sent to fetch, "how far apart are the contractions?" Sakura turned her attention to Shikamaru, "how the hell am I supposed to know?" he began propping the pillows behind Ray, "how often does she scream" Sakura was growing impatient, "every 4 minutes I guess" he settled next to Ray holding her hand, "how long does she scream?" Sakura pulled back Ray's robe to get a look at the situation checking other aspects to tell her how long she had been in labor, "for about a minute" he kept his eyes trained on Ray. "Hey, is...whoa warn somebody" Naruto began to enter the bathroom then covered his eyes, not appreciating the view of his half naked sister, "get out Naruto!" Sakura yelled, "ok, fine" he backed out sitting on their bed. "Sakura get this brat out of me!" Ray yelled, Shikamaru rubbed her hand concerned, he had never seen her like this, never this angry and in this much pain at the same time. "Not yet, your almost their Ray, just keep breathing" Sakura continued to monitor the situation, "Sakura is everything ok?" Yoshino entered the bathroom with a cup of ice chips in her hand. "Oh, thank god" Ray reached up in-between contractions, Yoshino handed her the cup. "Yes, everything is going just fine so far, she seems to be getting through labor pretty quick" Sakura finished explaining just before Ray began screaming again. "How long?" Yoshino asked Sakura through Ray's screams, "it's been about 40 minutes" Sakura continued to focus on Ray.

'Its cause I'm pushing the brats out' Kurama spoke to Ray, "Not now Kurama!" Ray yelled. "Guess the nine-tails is talking to her" Sakura laughed.

"Ok Ray, you're going to have to start pushing during your contractions" Sakura said softly, "Ok" she nodded sweat covering her body. 'I'm pretty sure my hand is broken' Shikamaru thought as she released the tight grip she had on his hand. Soon more contractions came and Ray pushed like she was told, It didn't take 10 minutes for the baby to come out. Ray relaxed seeing Sakura hold the baby, "It's a girl" Sakura clipped the umbilical cord before handing the baby to Yoshino so she could wipe her off. "Here" Yoshino smiled placing the wrapped baby in her arms, "she's beautiful" Shikamaru leaned over Ray placing his hand on her head, "she is" Ray panted. "Yoshino take her, please" Ray said as calmly as she could, "what's wrong?" she took the baby in her arms carefully. Ray then began screaming again, "Ray what's wrong!" Shikamaru placed his hand on her shoulder. Before either Yoshino or Shikamaru could say anything, else Sakura spoke up, "there's another one coming" she kept her attention on Ray once more, "another one!" Shikamaru took Ray's hand quickly, they weren't expecting twins. Their visits to the Dr. told them there was only one baby. It took even less time for the second baby to arrive, "this one's a boy" Sakura smiled gleefully as she cut the umbilical cord once more. Sakura wiped this baby off herself before handing it to Ray, Yoshio then handed the girl to Shikamaru, "we made twins!" Ray panted, "we made twins" Shikamaru smiled at Ray caringly. Sakura and Yoshio cleaned everything including the babies while Shikamaru helped Ray wash away the labors of birth. Shikamaru then carried Ray into the bedroom to rest her on the bed, "so, what happened, is everything ok?" Naruto looked between the two of them. Naruto then heard tiny cries entering the room, he turned around quickly to see Yoshino holding a baby, "is it a girl or a boy?" Naruto asked as Yoshino handed him the tiny baby, "both" Shikamaru looked to Ray lovingly, "what do you mean both?" Naruto looked at him confused, "he means both" Sakura then came from the bathroom with another baby in her arms. "Sakura did you have your baby to!?" Naruto flinched, while Hinata took the baby from him, knowing he was an idiot. "No, you dim wit" Sakura sighed, "Ray had twins" she then handed the boy to Shikamaru. Hinata then handed the girl to Ray. "You had twins!" Naruto smiled, lacing his fingers behind his head, "I have a niece and a nephew" he placed his arm around Hinata as she stood up holding her close, as if he was anticipating her giving birth. "Congratulations Ray, Shikamaru" Hinata spoke softly, "Thank you Hinata" Ray smiled still exhausted. "By the way, thank you Sakura for delivering my babies even though your pretty far along yourself" Ray turned her attention to Sakura, "oh its fine, I'm not so big yet" Sakura laughed, "thank you regardless" Ray smiled. "Ok everybody, Ray and the babies need rest, lets clear out" Yoshino shooed everybody as she left herself. "Thank you, Ray," she turned to her before leaving the room, "you've made me and Shikaku grandparents" a tear rolled down her cheek. Ray nodded, happy about her new babies, but sad that Shikaku wasn't there. After she left, Shikamaru lay next to Ray they both placed the babies in-between them, "let's go introduce the babies to your dad tomorrow" Ray smiled up at Shikamaru, "sounds nice" he nodded. "We can take them to Asuma while were there" he suggested, Ray nodded in agreeance.

"So, what do we name them?" Ray looked up to Shikamaru, "well, I had a boy name in mind" he shrugged, "go on" Ray placed her hand on the baby boys small belly, "Shikadaku" his cheeks grew red, "I like it" Ray smiled, "what about the girl?" Shikamaru placed his hand on the baby girls belly, "Kitsune" Ray smiled keeping her eyes on the babies, "Shikadaku and Kitsune" he nodded, "I like it, because I really didn't want to do that weird thing where the names are really similar, it would have been a drag" he sighed, "yea no joke" Ray laughed softly as to not wake the babies.

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