Ch. 23 : Final Battle

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Sometime later Ray finally woke up, she blinked till her vision was clear to see Sakura healing her. "What I miss?" Ray asked as she sat up. "War" Sakura shrugged as she continued to heal her. Ray looked around to see the shinobi forces standing around doing nothing and an animation of Kurama where she assumed Naruto was battling alongside a Susanoo. "What are we battling?" Ray asked, only seeing a white flash battling with Naruto and Sauske. "Obito is the ten-tail Jinchuriki?" Sakura sighed as she leaned back, done healing. Ray sighed, "if he didn't get the nine tails how?" Sakura shrugged, "I couldn't tell you, also Sauske and some reanimations fighting with us." Ray looked to Sakura confused, "who?"

"Sauske ... me and Naruto's past teammate that you never met" Sakura looked at her irritated that she seemed to have forgotten. "I know that" Ray snapped, "I meant the reanimations" she clarified.

Sakura: "Oh, all the past Hokage's."

"wait ... so the fourth is here?" Ray's eyes widened, Sakura nodded. "Where is he?" Ray looked around frantically, "He's involved in the battle somewhere." Ray thought for a moment, "I need to join the battle and find him" Sakura shook her head, "we all want to join the battle, but the power Obito possesses is god like" Ray scoffed, "you forget I'm not exactly weak." She stood still for a moment to gain sage power then vanished.

She reappeared next to Naruto, "you can't just do that" he flinched. "Why are ya'll just standing on the ground?" Ray looked around to see a dark haired young man she assumed to be Sauske and another man with the same spiky yellow hair as Naruto. Once her eyes met him she knew, how could she not, Naruto looked exactly like him, just older and wiser looking. She was fixated she didn't hear the conversation around her. She ran to him and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her, "I know, but we have a battle to win right now?" he took her shoulders and pushed her back a little, her arms still wrapped around him. She nodded as tears began to fill her eyes, "we will talk later" he smiled back wiping the tears that began to roll down her cheek. "Ray get in the game!" Naruto yelled, "who the hell is this!?" Sauske yelled. "Calm down jumpy" she turned to him, "that's like the fourth time I have asked" he grumbled. "Oh, my bad" she rubbed the back of her head. "My name is Ray, I'm a member of team seven, your replacement for the time being I assume, and Naruto's sister" she explained as she held her hand out. He looked at Naruto then back to her, then took her hand shaking it as he rubbed his forehead "This is too much right now." Ray let go of his hand and the same orange glow she obtained from Kurama granting her his power consumed her. "I see you two need a small break, I will keep him occupied until you catch your breath" Ray smirked, "we can barely handle him together, what makes you think you can do it alone?" Sauske scoffed. "I don't know if you really want to know that" Naruto chuckled uncomfortably.

Ray then launched herself from the ground towards Obito who was floating quite a distance away from them. Obito laughed as the distance between them lessened, "you think you can do anything! I have the power of the ten tails!" he yelled, "I don't think you know ..." she vanished just as she reached him, "how powerful even half of Kurama's power is" she whispered as she reappeared behind him kicking him to the ground, with infused chakra from herself, Kurama and sage power behind it. He plummeted down, created a crater in the earth as he made contact. She appeared above him and hit him in the gut with the same power. He coughed up blood then vanished. "Cowered" she looked around to pin point his location, she faced her palms to open space and launched a wind vortex, with the addition of lightning chakra infused. Obito appeared in its path and was bombarded with slicing winds, while shocking him as well. He fell on one knee and looked up at her. "I have a bone to pick with you" she growled. Naruto and Sauske appeared on either side of her, "about time" she smirked. In a flash, the three of them were suspended in the Kurama animation surrounded by Sauske's Susanoo. They attacked him in unison, it seemed a little harder to attack Obito with company than by herself at times, but she knew battling by herself had her knocked out of the battle for a while in the first place.

After some time of battling, Sakura and Kakashi had shown up to the battle. They were all standing still, "who's that?" Ray pointed as a man appeared next to an exhausted Obito. "Madara" Sauske growled, "what!" Ray yelled, "wait" she rubbed her head, "is that the actual Madara?" Sauske nodded, "he's reanimated, like the Hokage's" he explained. "Not anymore" he laughed menacingly as he drove his fist through Obito's chest. The three's eyes widened, "what is he doing?" Ray looked in shock. "Taking the power that rightfully belongs to me!" he yelled as he continued to laugh, he then took the ten-tail power into himself, leaving Obito struggling for life. "He'll die!" Naruto yelled, "maybe, but we can't just go get him right now" Ray grabbed his shoulder, he growled in frustration.

Madara then launched at them with more power than Obito ever had, removing Ray from the animated Kurama. "Ray!" Naruto yelled as he watched, him and Sauske then went after her and Madara. "What the hell do you want from me!?" Ray freed herself from his grasp, "I need to eliminate you from the situation. You are the most problematic" he smirked as he launched his fire jutsu at her. She didn't move, she let the fire engulf her. Once it was clear she stood there untouched facing Madara, while Naruto and Sauske were behind him. "What!" he yelled frustrated, "you were right to single me out" she looked up at Naruto and Sauske briefly, "Now, Naruto!" she yelled, "right!" he yelled back. "Now what?" Sauske looked to Naruto, "a battle plan we use, follow my lead" Naruto readied himself. Ray began to gather energy to form a beast bomb, infusing it with everything in her arsenal. Her own Chakra, Kurama's, sage energy, and all five chakra elements. As it grew instead of the normal deep purple, almost black, it was a lighter purple, what couldn't be seen though was a clear aura surrounding the beast bomb. She threw it towards Madara, who attempted to dodge, it seemed as if Naruto and Sauske failed to hinder is success as the beast bomb flew past him. He smirked, "was that your best ..." he began to yell then coughed up blood, "what!" him and Sauske looked in confusion. "Compliments to Sage mode and Frog Kumite" she smirked still ready to battle. "Enough!" he yelled, he launched himself at the group, singling out Ray. She went to block his attack, realizing he was moving too fast to doge. She expected she would counter once he made contact, but she didn't expect his attack to be as strong as it was. It sent her flying through the air a few miles, then rolled across the ground for quite a bit longer. She attempted to pull herself from the ground but realized quickly that several bones in her body were broken. "Damn it, I was careless" she struggled to begin to heal herself. "Ray!" she heard a voice approaching her, she turned her attention to the voice to see Garra running towards her. "Hey Garra" she spoke softly as he grew closer to her, "what's going on over there? I saw you were thrown from the battle" he knelt next to her. "Ugg, battling, Obito is probably dead and Madara took the ten-tails from him'" Ray sighed as she continued to heal her wounds. "I need to get back over there" she grit her teeth. "I don't think you are in any condition to do that" he looked back waving somebody over, and a medical ninja from the sand village came over and started healing her. The woman's eyes widened, "Ray, almost every bone in your body is broken" Garra's eyes then widened, "how are you moving, maybe you should lay back down" he took her shoulder gently and helped her back to the ground. Ray lay there helpless then noticed the moon was changing, "oh shit" she struggled to perform hand signs, "what are you doing be still" Garra protested. Ray didn't respond and performed her barrier jutsu but she incorporated the chakra used to make a beast bomb. Once she was surrounding the three of them she stopped, "where is Shikamaru?" Ray asked, "I don't know" he shook his head, 'I hope you're ok Shikamaru' she sighed. "What are you doing?" he sat next to her. "Madara is completing the Infinite Tsukuyomi, I needed to try and shield us from the effects" she panted. Garra looked to her with a blank stare and his eyes began to take on the Rennegan pattern. "Crap, guess it didn't work" Ray began to fade as well as her shield. 'Please be ok Shikamaru' she thought as she drifted off.

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