Chapter 4: Awakening

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"What?" Mark stared at the Luke in disbelief

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"What?" Mark stared at the Luke in disbelief. He noticed the teen's eye color changing and felt his throat close up on him in fear.

            "I said, it's short for Lucifer. As in, the son of Satan." Luke slowly inched closer to Mark. His shadow was getting darker and larger. His presence suddenly made the whole room colder and smaller. Mark dropped his clipboard and ran to the door to escape. He turned the knob to find that the room was locked, he was trapped with whoever, this teenager Luke was. Mark started to wonder if Luke was even human at all. His mind races with panic, he needs to find a way out, fast. He yells out, "Help! Please help me!" hoping someone from the outside could hear him.

"Mark oh Mark, where are you going?" Luke questioned the scared teen, "The fun is just getting started." Each word, he said, his body was becoming more distorted. It was taking weird shapes no human could ever be. Mark was terrified at this point as he watched whatever was in this room with him coming closer and closer. Luke was changing was a human to what looks like a demon. "Let's not stop the party now." Mark flunk around the room and hit the wall. He fell down to the ground, screamed out in pain and coughed up blood. "What the hell are you?!" He shrieked to the demon. Luke begins to laugh wickedly, "I'm hell reincarnated, bitch! And, today's your lucky day, kid. It's time for you to make a decision that'll change your puny mortal life." At this point, Luke fully transformed into a demon with horns and wings. He got down to Mark's eye level, "Listen, Mark, it's time for your awakening." 

Mark got a rush of déjà vu, he heard those words before. Suddenly, he remembers, "The dream...". Without warning, Mark felt like he was being choked by someone but Luke hands were nowhere near him. "You have two options. You come with me to fight on Hell's army and live or you rot in hell for the rest of time and never have a moment of peace." Luke told Mark in a deep demonic voice. Tears started to fill his eyes because of how painful the choking was. Mark was running out of breath and was falling in and out of consciousness.

            "You don't have that much time left. If you value your life, make the deal with me." Luke sneered.

            Mark used the last of his breathe to say in a raspy tone, "!". Immediately, the pain stopped and Mark gasped for air. He breathes in and out quickly, ignoring the fact that he just made a deal with the devil. The teenager was just glad to still be alive. Luke turns back into his human form and helps him up and extends his hand out, "To seal our deal, let's shake on it.". Mark cautiously shook his hand. Little did he know, that handshake agreement would change Hell, Heaven, and Earth entirely.

            "Now, let's start your training." Luke opens the now unlocked door and both of them walk out of the auditorium. "Wait, what do you mean training? How did you change your appearance like that? And-" Mark rambled on in a confused daze over the whole situation. Luke groans, "Shut up, don't ask so many questions. I didn't realize how someone could so annoying as you.". Mark opened his mouth to say something but decided not to, in fear of Luke turning back into a demon.

            "Your training for being a warrior is very important, we have to start right away since we're going to assassinate the leader of Heaven's army and their warrior." Luke exclaimed, they both were in the main building by now. "Assassinate?!" Mark was getting more confused by the second listening to him. "Anyway, rookie, what we need to do now is look for this demon that escaped hell and possessed a random teenager. That demon is doing some pretty fucked up shit, like killing three students from a nearby college and leaving them out for the public to see. Everyone in this town has been freaking out about it. It's causing both a ruckus to Earth and Hell. We have to kill that demon at all cost before he does more damage.". As Mark listened, he recalled the news report from earlier that morning,

"In recent news, a college student was found dead at a local strip mall. This is the third victim of the week and the police are on high alert for any suspects on the crime. If anyone has any information at all about this event, please contact the news station hotline-"

"It can't be.." He told himself, "This must be some coincidence.". Mark told himself that there could be no way demons could be real. But, if that was true, then what did Luke transform into during the audition? Everything he once thought was fake and make-believe was coming alive right in front of his eyes. His head started to pound in pain because of all the questions that he had.

Luke began to search the hallway, "Luckily, I sense the demon nearby."

            "Hey, jackass! You better not have forgot about our fight!" John and his group of jocks come running from around the corner. "Luke, we should probably run while we can." Mark said to Luke. "No, running's for pussies. You're a fucking warrior, act like one." Luke pushed Mark closer to John and the others. "So, who's your new friend? Is he gonna be your 'knight in shining armor' to rescue you when I'm done beating your ass?" John gestured over to Luke. "Listen here, fucker. He might not look like it, but he could beat you and your group of dumbasses in a second." Luke got into John's face and defended Mark. Mark mouthed to Luke, "Stop it.", but did not stop Luke as he continued to talk shit to the short jock.

            "I'm here for Mark, but I'll deal with your ass later." John pushed Luke out of his way and was about to punch Mark when a person with dirty worn out clothing and matted brown hair comes crashing through a large window and shrieks like an animal. Everyone backed away from the person, their face and body was pale white and sickly skinny to the point where you could see every bone in their body. The person's eyes had no pupils and were hallowed out. The person was wearing a sliver necklace with a ruby jewel attached to it. Mark instantly knew who it was without hesitation, he asked out, "Deena.....?". The person jumped on one of John's friends and clawed on their face. John and his other friends screamed out in horror and ran down the hallway. "It's the demon, Mark! You go handle it while I go after those jock guys. They can't remember any of this or we're screwed!" Luke followed them leaving Mark alone with the demon and its' victim.

            "I can't do this! Don't leave me!" Mark yells out in panic. "You'll be fine, take this!" Luke tosses a dagger over him, "Consider this your training!" Luke disappeared to go find the jocks.

            Mark holds the dagger in his hands and looks down on the demon as it feasts on the student's face. "Deena, don't make me do this please." The demon hears him and pounces on him to attack. Mark dodges the other way and kicks the demon onto the lockers. It wails but is in raging to attack. The demon bites Mark on the shoulder, he falls and yells out in agony. The demon pins him to the ground and opens its' mouth to show the endless rows of sharp pointed fangs.

            "I'm so sorry, Deena." He whispers to himself before lodging the dagger straight into the demon's neck, the demon screeches one final time before falling on top of him, Mark breathes sharply, finally realizing that he committed murder. He throws the demon's body on the ground causing the body to become black dust and evaporate into the air. Mark grabs the dagger and stares at the blade, "Oh God, what have I done?" 

            "Damn, you did a good job on that demon." Luke walked back to Mark from down the hallway. "It was such a pain to track down those dumb jocks, thankfully I used some of my powers to make them forget the whole thing ever happened." He smirked, enjoying himself. "You're not so bad for a rookie, Mark Red." Luke gives a sly smile to Mark.

            "My name's Mark Reed." Mark tells him.

            "No, you gotta be Mark Red. You just have to be."

            "Luke, I'm Mark Reed."

            Luke drops the smile and curses, "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

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