The Truth, Please

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Chapter 3 -


He stared at me shockingly as I laid on top of him. I quickly got off and cleared my throat. This did not just happen! Why would he pull me with him anyway! I glared at him.

He smirked. "You're the cutest when you're mad." He pinched my cheeks and got up. I growled and got up after him. I'm surprised that this whole day he hasn't done anything to hurt me yet or ask me anything about two years ago.

"Get out!" I demanded. He chuckles and walked out. I slammed my door shut.


I was already dressed and ready to go school but my aunt wanted me to wait for Axel. "HURRY UP, AXEL!" He came running down the stairs. He wore a plain black crew neck with Adidas pants and his shoes were also Adidas.

He picked up a toast and placed it in his mouth. "Julie, you're drooling." He walked out the house.

"H-huh..." I quickly snapped out of it and wiped my mouth. Gross. I followed him out the door.

"By the way, don't think I forgot about the situation," He smirked at me. "It's just the beginning." He stated and started walking.

I gave out a sigh and followed him. The whole nice boy act was just to impress my aunt and probably for my money too! This is so like him!

We were at school and I was walking in the halls when I see Faith. "I thought you were dead already since you didn't come to school yesterday." She snickered with her friends.

"Shut up," I said glaring at her.

"Julie! Think fast!" I was confused as I see Axel... Then I noticed I was on the ground. He tripped me! Laughter roared in the halls. Everyone pointed and laughed in my face.

"Jerk!" I shouted. I got up and was just about to punch him but he grabs my fist and sneered. "Let me go," I stated.

"No." His brow raised. Everyone watched us closely. I calmly let out a deep breathe. He then let go of my hand.

"Okay the shows over everyone!" Josh, my ex from that mall walked over to us. Everyone started walking away.

"Pathetic." Faith said as she disappears into the crowd. I scoffed.

"Julie." Josh smiles as he see's me. "Axel, give her a break..."

"Why do you care?" Axel snapped at him. "You were the one who broke up with her."

"What does that has to do with anything?" They both glared at each other. "You don't know why, so shut up!" He shouted.

I see Axel making a fist. His veins popping out. I quickly went over to them. "Guys... calm down..." I said.

"Then why did you break up with her?" He asked him. Josh kept quiet. He stared at me then looked at the ground. He relaxes his fists and walks away.

"Axel what the hell--"

"And why the hell did you snitch on me?!" He glared at me. I quickly kept quiet. "I trusted you, Julie." He said through gritted teeth. I gave out a sigh.

"Axel... I'm sorry." I know saying sorry won't change anything. I knew that after I snitched on him he wouldn't be my best friend anymore. Everything was falling apart and it was my fault.

"Sorry doesn't take me back to two years ago."

"Why are you so fixated on two years ago?" I asked him.

"Why? Why?!" He shouted angrily getting closer and closer to my face. My back was against the wall. "I was trying to get money to find my parents, Julie. And now because YOU snitched on me all that is gone. My trust in you is gone. OUR friendship is gone..."

"Please, Axel..." I call out to him. He stared back up at me in confusion. "Please trust me. I know this is bad timing but I need you to trust me..." I told him.

I needed him to trust me. He's wrong. I'm still his best friend. I wouldn't betray him like that.

Someday, Axel... I'll tell you the truth...

"No, Julie..." He said to me. "I'll never trust you ever again." I felt my heart break into a million pieces. He walked away leaving me in shock.

What was I supposed to do now? I felt my tears roll down my cheeks slowly. Everything's my fault...


I was finally home. I was out of energy. The only true friend that I loved dearly is now gone. "Hey, Marie." I smiled sitting beside her.

"Hey, baby," she smiled then continued watching her show. She started laughing. I kept quiet. "What's wrong, Julie?" She turned the television off and stared at me. I kept quiet. "Julie... do you want to talk about it?" She asked me as she rubs her hand up and down my back.

"No, everything's fine," I said to her. I smiled letting her know that I'm okay. But I really wasn't... I got up and headed upstairs.

I laid on my bed regretting everything... I could've told him what actually happened earlier but I couldn't. It was too complicated.


My phone buzzed inside of my pocket. I take it out to see that Josh had sent me a message.

Josh- Meet me outside?

I placed my phone on the bed and walked outside. I see Josh leaning against a tree in front of my house. I walked down the porch as he smiles at me.

"What?" I asked. I wasn't in much of a mood.

"What's wrong?" He asked me in concern. I rolled my eyes.

"Josh, you call me out here to ask what was wrong?" I gave him in attitude. I didn't want to but it came out that way. I gave out a sigh as he stares at me stunned. "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine." He glances at the ground. "Do you know why I broke up with you?" He stares at me and I stared back. "I see the way you look at him, Julie."

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Axel. I see the way you look at him."

"Josh that's not--"

"Please, don't tell me otherwise, Julie." He stated. "You like him... and I was in the way of you two. A third wheel."

"That's not true... I used to like him." I corrected him. When I was going out with Josh I didn't like him, Axel, at all. I got over him.

"Are you sure?" He sarcastically asked. "Your mind may tell you otherwise but your heart knows what you want." He told me. He got up from leaning against the tree and stepped closer towards me. He stares down at me. He then opens up his arms and pulls me into a tight hug. He was warm.

"What are--" I tried speaking but he cuts me off.

"Let's just stay like this for a few minutes..."

I didn't move. I didn't hug him back. He held onto me and didn't let go. It was warm and comfortable.


The next morning I woke up to my stupid alarm and open my door to walk to the bathroom when I see a sleepy Axel.

"I'm using the bathroom first," I told him.

"No, you're not." He scoffed. "Not if I beat you there first." He smirks as he started running. I smiled as I see him in front of the bathroom. He sticks his tongue out and closes the door.

That's Axel for you. He completely forgets what happened yesterday and just goes on with his life. Or it's just one of his stupid acts. I never know when he's serious or joking.

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