Part Time Job

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Chapter 9 -


"Remember when we were kids and we would watch this movie?" Axel sat besides me with a bowl of popcorn. I smiled at him as he smiled back.

My phone starts ringing. "Hold on," I quickly got up and walked towards the kitchen. "Hello?"

"Jules, I'm outside." I hear Damon's voice. "Make sure you wear a sweater. It's a bit cold."

"Yeah." I hung up and rushed back to the living room.

"Where are you going?" Axel asked as he stared at me suspiciously.

"I got a job remember?" I reminded him as if he cared.

"Ohhh yeaaah." He stretched out his words, pretending to care. "You never told me where you worked at."

"You never asked." I scoffed. I walked out the door and closes it. I turn around to see Damon. "If it weren't for you, i'd probably get fired on the first day." We both chuckled.

"What would you do without me." He let out a cocky smirk.

"A lot of things, actually." We both chuckled. We started walking towards the mini market that we both are working at. I was a cashier and Damon was basically a janitor. "What if the people come and we are doing this for no reason?" I asked him as I continued walking, my head looking straight.

"They won't get him. I won't let them." He seemed confident. I liked that about him.

"Why do you care so much about—"

"Because you care so much about him." He cuts me off. I stopped walking but he didn't. I stared at his back as he continued to walk without me. He only cared for Axel because of me?

We both walked inside. "Hey, Julie right?" A man, I'm assuming he's our manager walks up to me. He seemed to be in his late thirties. He has black hair, a nice olive colored skin and a very bright smile. He was a bit short to Damon but a bit tall to me.

"Yeah." I smiled. "We are beginners—"

"Oh the boy is with you." He seemed bored as he stared at Damon then smiled brightly when he stared at me. I suspiciously eyes him and so did Damon. "Well anyway, you can go mop elsewhere. I'll show Julie how to work this cashier machine." I looked at his name tag as he walks closer to me. Tucker. He place his arm around my waist as if we were a couple.

"U-uhm..." I uncomfortable move to the side and his arm drops. He brings me to the back of the counter and start showing me how to work the thing. 

"All you have to do is click this button and the machine will open and you can grab money or put in money." He smiled.

"Ohh!" I smiled back. I've never worked before so it was kind of amusing to me. I clicked the button and Tucker placed his hand on my hand. I glared at him.

I didn't want to get fired.

"I'm done." I see a mop go across the room and hit Tucker in the face as he falls to the ground. I stared at Damon with confusion and he shrugged his shoulders. "My hand slipped."

Tucker grunt in pain and gets up. "That's okay." He dust his pants. He glared at Damon in annoyance. "I have to get going. I trust you two be in charge." He gave us one last stare and walks out.

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