Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V (Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons)


Math with Ryan was peaceful, Mini and Terroriser stopped teasing me and everything was normal. I finished writing my notes as the bell rang for next period. Ryan and I said our goodbyes and split ways. As I walking to Mr. Nova's room, I already spotted Luke and walk towards him.

"So? How was math?" He asked.

"It was really peaceful and actually enjoyable, not only because I listened and took notes, heh." I smiled. "Ryan did make it a lot more better though."

"That's good, but I think I can make science better than math with Ohm." Luke said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Mr. Cartoonz, are you setting up a challenge?" I asked him and laughed.

"Ya know, I might as well. Can't be too hard since it's me we're talking about." He said and we both laughed.

I made it to Mr. Nova's room and we sat down, though Luke it a bit farther than me. That might would really put a challenge on him because Wildcat sits next to me. The tables in this class are those long tables that two or three people have to share, no one gets their own. So I'm basically screwed that I'm sitting next to Wildcat AND in front of Basically. I look around the class room to see if Nogla is here but he's not. He might be late or is skipping class which is really risky and stupid.

The bell rings and class has started. Mr. Nova is really cool, he talks about space most of the time and I absolutely love space. He can so sucked into talking about space that I just want to stay here and listen to him all day, but he has do his job so it kinda sucks.

As Mr. Nova teaches the class about sciencey stuff, Wildcat bumps into my arm that I mess up on my writing. I swear this asshole to going to be the death of me. He suddenly stops, I find it kinda weird but I ignored it and continued writing. I can hear him whisper to Basically but I couldn't hear it, at least they can whisper better than Vanoss.
'Ooooohhhh, burn! Good job me!' I thought.

"You're useless." Basically whispered to me. "You're nothing, you can't do anything.

"The only thing that you can do is kill yourself, that will make everyone happy." Tyler whispered. "Though, no one will notice at all if you're gone, they don't even notice you right now."

They keep doing this, they're like demons telling me lies as I crawl into ball and shiver. It really hit hard for me, when I do something wrong or when I make someone mad I have these thoughts. These thoughts are what they're telling me right now. Now that these demons are actually here, I feel like I might do what they are telling me to do. Tears are threatening to come out, I don't know of I can hold it.
'What they're saying is right, I am weak and useless.'

I look down, trying to ignore them or focus on something else but no use. Then I see a small ball of rolled up paper hit the leg of the table. I look around to see who threw it but I don't anyone who could be suspicious, I know it's not Wildcat nor Basically since they are already whispering to me and it's defiantly not Nogla since he skipped class.
'Who could it be? Is it even supposed to be for me? I should check if it is, if it's not then I'll give it to the person who it belongs to or is for.'

I carefully open it, trying not make too much noise so I won't get in trouble. I read it and small smile grew on my face, it says: 'Know that you're perfect, beautiful, helpful, useful, creative, friendly, and smartest person. Don't let anyone put you down, don't let them feed you lies and don't lie to yourself. You are never alone, you are loved by a lot of people that enjoy being with you.' <3 -CaRtOoNz

It really put a smile on my face, I feel like a wight has been lifted off my shoulders. Luke is a real sweetheart and has great choice of words, it makes me blush a little. How lucky I am to have an amazing person to be my friend. I look over to Luke, he's smiling and is blushing a bit. He knows I read it. I look forward and listen to Mr. Nova, ignoring Wildcat and Basically. They give up and stop whispering to me, seeing that I'm ignoring them and I'm feeling confident.

The bell rings and I put away my stuff and head towards to Luke. I want to thank him for doing this, it shows that he can support me even when he's not around. We head out the class room. Before he can say anything I hugged him and thanked him for the note and he was surprised a little but hugged back.

"No problem, (Y/N). You should keep it as a reminder of who you are." Luke said and pat my back before we broke apart the hug.

"Before I go, I want to say you've won the challenge." I smiled and Luke fist pumped in the air.

We said our goodbyes and left to our last classes, I can't wait for this day to end. I'll be like a caged bird being set free.
'Finally art, I can feel heaven coming to my way.'

I made it to Mrs. Smith's class and took my seat. I look around for Bryce but I can't find him, I'm feeling worried. Maybe he's almost here or something small is in his way. Bryce is a like a sweetheart that shouldn't be here in this cruel world, he's too nice to fight anybody or even get mad. Delirious hasn't done anything to me that'll hurt me, yet. I don't think Bryce can fight him or make him feel scared that he's here.

But I may be wrong, he could look a sweet and caring person but underneath he's coldblooded. It's hard to tell but I know he's here where everyone can relax at. I hope he gets here fast, I'm starting to feel like something's wrong.
'Don't think such stupid thoughts (Y/N), he's alright and he's coming. You need to stop worrying too much about people'

I see Bryce walk in, perfectly fine, and takes his seat which is to my right. Worried thought disappeared from my head and I smile at him and he smiles back. The bell rings and now everyone is here and quiet. Mrs. Smith comes up to front of class and starts teaching the class.

It's mostly us taking note of basic things we need to know and bring to class. She'll give us a sketch book where we'll practice shading, shapes, angles, perspective, and etc. No interruptions, no teasing, no mocking, just pure bliss and peace. Art is my safe place out of every other classes I have, plus Delirious is far from me and Bryce is next to me so I feel extra safe.

The bell rings, school is basically over for the day and gather my things and head out the door with Bryce. We talked to eachother for a little bit until Luke and Ryan found us. They asked how I feel now that I have them with me for the last three periods. Of course I enjoyed them and them being there for me.

We talked for a bit until I have to go and walk home. They wanted me to stay with them and offered to walk me home but I declined and they understood and didn't question it. I look around to find Caleb at the same spot as yesterday and we walked home.

To be continued...

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