Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V    (Song: Homewrecker by Marina and the Diamonds)


It's the second day, I'm already alone in front of the school. I inhale and slowly exhale, sort of mentally preparing myself. I walk in and walk towards my locker. I have my binder and a few books in my arms, I somehow loose my backpack when I got dressed for today. It's good thing I have what need out of there before it got lost with it.

I continued to walk, avoiding people who are passing by me. As I was trying to do this, someone put their leg out and I trip and fell on the floor hard, my papers and books flying or sliding away. I heard some people laugh and me, I look up start to grab the nearest book that I can reach until someone kicked it away.
'Already I'm having bad day, like yesterday.'

"Hey, are you okay. When you fell, you fell pretty hard." A voice spoke out to me, it's southern.

I look up and see he's kneeling on one knee and has his hand out for me to take. I take it and helps me up gently, his other hand on my back. I look up to meet his brown eyes, he also had brown hair, a red jacked and is taller than me.

"Th-thank you." I spoke.

"No problem, I'll always help someone who's getting hurt, especially from the Vanoss Crew." He said and see Mini and Wildcat laughing and walking away from the corner of my eye.

"The Vanoss Crew?" I said, confused and wanting him to tell me more.

"You've never heard of them?" He asked.

"I mean, I've heard of Vanoss." I said, letting him to continue.

"Well, the Vanoss Crew is a group of teens who bully people. If they found a certain person, they'll have them as their target. If you're a target, then they'll leave other people alone and only hurt you mentally and physically." He explained, my heart sank.

"I hope you aren't one." He added.

"Oh, well, here's the thing... I have the same class as Vanoss and Wildcat, they where talking to me and asking weird stuff about me. Then I heard Vanoss whispered that they found a new target. I guess I am a target." I feel tears threatening to come out, I tried not let it out but it did.

"Don't worry," He wipes my tear off of my face with hand and hugs me, "my friends and I will help you, no one did for us but now we're doing something that not a lot of people would do."

I sniffle a bit and faintly blush, realizing we're hugging. We break apart the hug and a guy wearing a grey hoodie and has a grey blindfold that has an omega symbol on it gave me my binder and books. Another guy who's taller than both of them in a purple shirt gave me my papers that fell out.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I realized I didn't gave them my name nor did they give there's.

"Oh right, um, my name is (Y/N)." I said and extended my arm.

"The name's Luke, but if you want to, you can call me Cartoonz." He smiled and shook my hand, gently.

"Ryan, Ohmwrecker or Ohm is fine too." He lifted my hand up to his chin and pecked my hand, I blush.

"Bryce!" He said happily and shook my hand excitedly.

"It's very nice to meet you guys, and thank you that you guys want to help me." I thanked them.

"No problem." Ohm said and smiled at me.

"Since my locker is near here, I'll just quickly put some of my stuff away, if you want to, we can walk together." I said and they nodded.

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