And the REAL adventure begins...

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The next day, Callie had to wear a pink wig her mum bought at the dollar store and a hat.

The pink wig was already pre-tangled and frizzy, but with a bit washing, cutting, styling, and hope, she managed to make it look pretty good, it was just the colour that she wasn't that fond of. "Why couldn't you have gotten a brown wig? Or at least a white or blonde one so I could've dyed it brown?" she has asked her mum.

"Honey, there were only pink ones there! You know, leftover from valentines' day!" her mum replied.

Everyone at school was referring to her as 'the crazy new girl'. She can't believe she even made it through the day without screaming her head off.

After dinner, she decided to go on a walk. Where should I go? she asked herself.

She found herself returning to the crime scene- The park.

She sat down on a swing and didn't notice when someone sat down next to her.

"Tough day, huh?" said the girl next to Callie. Callie jumped, then calmed down when she saw it wasn't a monster looming in the dark. "Yeah." she replied, short and simple.

"Aren't you Callie? You know, the one everyone refers to as 'the crazy new girl' ?" asked the girl.

"Mhmm." mumbled Callie.

"I'm Stella. Tell me how it all happened." asked the girl. Callie began telling her about how she wanted to impress everybody, being late for the bus, chasing it, ruining a kid's third birthday, and accidentally frying her hair off. She told the story, start to finish.

"Why do you want to know, anyways?" she asked.

Stella looked both ways before turning to Callie again. "OK, The fruit pickers at Fruit Hero Headquarters, also known as FHH sent me out to find a girl with a unique personality to give this to." with that, she handed a pineapple shaped keychain to Callie. "Every new recruit must have a distinct personality. Me? I'm the cool girl. Annalise is the chef. Mike's the artist. George is the smarty-pants, and so on." This puzzled Callie. "So who am I?" she asked. "You'll figure it out." Stella said.

"We're all separated into crime fighting duos, I'm grape girl. The only spot left is for pineapple girl, and now you've filled it, so that means the recruiting is complete! If you open up your pineapple keychain and you'll find lots of buttons, never mind that right now, the fruit pickers will explain that to you later.

When you get home, push the red button at the bottom to activate the keychain." she continued.

"Okay, thanks Stella! I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to go home now, the sun is setting." said Callie.

"No worries! Find me at school tomorrow!" Stella replied.

After the girls said their goodbyes, Callie began walking home

The Adventures of Pineapple GirlWhere stories live. Discover now