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"Harry Styles, of Styles Industries."

The voice of Richard rang through the air, as Isabel stayed in the same spot. Her eyes were slightly wide and red painted lips were parted at the sight of him. After all it had been almost three years and she had spent everyday since, trying to figure his angle. Harry was not a man of mercy nor was he forgiving, and for three years she had lived in complete paranoia. Now Isabel had every reason to believe he was after her, because he stood there with his stupid smirk. 

He was different, seemed a lot more darker than when she last saw him. His hair was cut short, resting in a neat pile of curls upon his head. He had a few more tattoo's she noticed, peaking from his low button white shirt. His pale green eyes sparkled, and he had aged a little no doubt from stress. Harry was just as tall as Isabel remembered, yet he seemed more filled out, like had been working out more. 

"Then again you probably know that, since you worked for Styles Industries," Richard continued with a large smile on his face. It was like Isabel had forgotten that she even worked for Harry, that fatal day when Mr Henderson fired her, she stumbled into Harry. However, on her resumé she didn't say she worked as Harry assistant, only in the company.

"A pleasure Miss Wilson, where about in the company did you work?" Harry asked, with a toying smirk, watching his former lover before him. His voice was deep and slow, like every single word that fell from his lips, was like poison to Isabel.

Breathing heavily, Isabel finally gulped and managed to form out a few words. "Under Mr Henderson," she whispered, feeling uncomfortable at the situation. He was calm, he was too calm and Harry never was. From what she had seen, he held a very short fuse and a temper. So the fact he was here, calm and pretending he didn't know Isabel made her nervous. 

As for Harry, the look on her face only heightened his enjoyment at the scene. The way her lips were parted, and her eyes wide with completely shock and horror. Harry only took a brief moment to analyse the woman that managed to leave him. She was still the same Isabel, beautiful as ever in his own opinion. Though she looked more thinner than before, not in a bad way but she had built up muscle, form her arms seemed more toned. The most obvious thing that Harry noticed was the hair. It was shorter and held swirls of different colour. The curling locks sat above her shoulders, with swirls of blonde, caramel and dark brown running through it. He wondered if this was her trying to wipe away memories. 

He only nodded at her words, and smirked at her lack of mentioning that she knew him. He wasn't curious as to know why, for Harry already knew. Isabel seemed to have washed her hands of him, it was a shame he hadn't done the same just yet.

The music playing spiked an interest in Harry, as he looked at Richard who watched Isabel. Studying the older man, Harry grinned upon realising the need to bring Isabel to this event. He hoped that she would be able to tie up the knot between investors, and Harry knew why. Not only was Isabel pretty to look at, but she was very clever and rather persuasive- he knew that from first hand experiences.

"Care to join me for a dance?" Harry asked Isabel, holding out his hand as she looked like a deer caught in headlights. Though before she had a choice, Richard gently nudged her towards Harry and he gripped onto her hand like a snake wrapping itself around its prey.

Dragging her towards the dance floor, Harry placed his hand on her waist as they began to sway. He could hear her heart thumping in her chest, as he glanced around the room. Eyes watching the infamous Harry Styles dancing with the lady in red.

"It has been a while hasn't it darling," he spoke in a rather hushed voice, as Isabel peered up. Her hand was resting on his shoulder, though not much pressure like touching him would cause her hand to burn. Her right hand was fully engulfed in his, which would not allow her to even pull away from their closeness. 

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