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The silence was a nice change, though it did feel somewhat lonely. The last few weeks had been buzzing, with people in and out of the house. From the men who installed the new security system, Harry's employers and the detectives. At the time I hated the noise, the constant banging and yelling from Harry directed towards his 'stupid incapable employees'. 

But now I missed it. More so lately, especially with Harry constantly being out of the house. Though our relationship was somewhat complicated, I despised him yet loved him at the same time. With his absence, I was unsure if that gave me comfort or not. Previously I had relied on him to protect me, then ran away, and now I feel like I need him. 

I needed him. 

The flick of the kettle brought me out of my trance, as I added the hot water to my mug. Watching the colour turn to brown, before adding in the milk. Tea was my only comfort right now. I was actually surprised that Harry would even leave me in this house. But then again he had installed the security system and it was almost impossible to breach unless I opened the front door. But that would ping to his phone and he would come rushing back. 

Wrapping my hands around the mug, I walked back to the living room on the sofa. Picking up the book, that had become my only source of happiness, I once again buried my nose into the pages. Deep down, I was the biggest nerd going. I loved fantasy shows and gaming, so it was no surprise that my book choice was fantasy.

Lord of the rings. Now that is an adventure, one that I had grown so close to love. I loved the films and the books, despite them being so long. The thought of magic, kings and darkness with romance. It was a master piece, so much so, I had watched every film at least a dozen times. And read the books three times each, now being my fourth. 

The sound of the doorbell made me jump, as I looked around the house unaware why someone would be knocking at the door. Closing my book, I made my way to the front door staring at the panel that held a camera. 

A man dressed in casual smart dress stood outside the door, looking around as if he were board. I stepped back a little as he looked up directly at the camera, almost knowing I was watching. His mouth started to move, as I clicked onto the volume button allowing me to hear. 

"Mr Styles? Detective Halstead here. I know I'm a little early, but we've had development in the case." His voice was rough, and not someone that I recognised from the people in the house. But then again, we had so many it was almost impossible to remember all of their faces. Biting my lip, I looked back up at the clock seeing it was just past two in the afternoon before sighing. 

Pressing the intercom button, I replied. "Mr Styles isn't here right now. He should be back around 5pm," I said softly as the man sighed nodding his head. 

"Ma'am? Is it possible to come and wait for him? I'll give him a call. He needs to here this." 

Furrowing my brows, I was unsure what to do. I didn't know this man, but I could see his badge clearly. The look on his face also gave me comfort, seeing as he looked serious. Especially with the folder that had 'Styles Case' scribbled across it. I looked back in the camera seeing he was on the phone and assumed it was Harry so I opened the door. 

"Thank you Mr Styles, I'll see you shortly." He spoke before hanging up and giving me a warm smile. He was tall, handsome with light brown hair and stubble across his face. He held blue eyes, that seemed so warm and friendly. "Miss Isabel Marshal?" He asked, his voice holding a slightly rasp to it, something that reminded me of Harry. 

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