Chapter 1

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This is also Sonadow with some Vespio and other things.

Also I have zero filter on this, so you are warned.

Enjoy this weird collab I did with my friend.



Jasper stared at Marklin tiredly.

"Of course." Jasper sighed, Marklin stood from the dirt road, then helped Jasper up. It was only a few seconds before both were pushed over by a blue blur rushing by at insane speeds. Suddenly as Marklin and Jasper both recovered from that shock, a small orange fox with two tails panted up to them stopping for a breath.

"Are you two okay?" the two tailed fox asked, Marklin and Jasper looked over, Jasper was lost for words.

"We're just getting our bearings." Marklin chirped, the two-tailed fox nodded.

"Ok sir!" They peeped, suddenly the blur arrived back, stopping instantly. It was a blue hedgehog.

"Tails, are you okay? I lost ya!"

"I'm fine, Sonic." The young fox smiled to his companion. "You must've ran into these two."

The strange looking hedgehog looked to the two, rubbing under his nose. "Eh, sorry about that. I guess I just got too in the zone."

"It's fine, we were in the middle of the road." Marklin said quickly, Jasper finally gulped down his shock.

"Mark, it's a talking hedgehog and a double tailed fox!" Jasper hissed, Marklin blinked a bit in quiet.

"You can see them too?"

The two animals just stared at the two men, not knowing what to do.

"Mark, you took your meds this morning didn't you, why would I be in your trip!"

"I mean, sometimes people around are also here, unless you're a delusion as well." Marklin looked around. "I mean, I normally can't touch them." Marklin reached out, and quickly patted Tails, feeling the softness of the fur, he continued.

Tails looked a bit uncomfortable, but didn't say much about it. Sonic raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering why these two were acting... weird....

Jasper quickly took Marklin's hand from the fox. "Mark, you don't know where they've been."

"Well, we've been down this road, over the bridge, through the woods, Shadow's house, Dr. Eggman's lair-"

"Sonic, that's not what he means...."

"I know."

The realization hit Marklin.

"Oh mine gott, It could have fleas." Marklin yelped, he started to wipe his hands on his shirt.

"I make sure Tails washes himself every day!" Sonic crossed his arms.

"Sonic, you're getting mixed up again. I'm the one that has to force you into the tub everyday." The fox crossed his arms as well, looking exasperated.

"But Tails.... Water...." Fear shone in Sonic's eyes.

Jasper put his hands on Marklin's shoulders.

"Marklin, we are in a place with talking animals, that go really fast, and you are panicking over fleas." Jasper shook Marklin lightly.

"Jas, fleas are not only carriers of so many diseases but I'm-"

"Mark!" Jasper shook him slightly more. Marklin finally woke up a bit to the situation.

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