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Mackenzie's pov
I was at the place for one night;I hated it. I cried myself to sleep telling myself it was all just a dream. but soon I snapped back to reality. Sad right? "Wake up brat" Riley said handing me breakfast. "Thank you" I said trying not to get on her bad side. "Ariel feed her!" Riley yelled. The Ariel girl fed me and then I just sat there waiting for Ivan. "Haha this is too funny" Riley laughed reading something on my phone.  "Why would Ivan love a girl that tried to kill herself" she laughed. "He doesn't love you" she heckled. "Yes he does!!" I snapped. She then opened my Snapchat and took a picture of me with a knife to my throat captioned "better come get your girl" she sent it to Ivan,he screenshotted it and he replied with a text.
Ivan: who is this!! Where are you!! I will find you!!!!!
Me: oh no one really and I'm not telling, that will take the fun out of it.
Ivan: I'm calling the police right now
She never replied...
Riley then texted him saying:
Riley: break it off with Grant and she doesn't get hurt.
Ivan: Riley!! You're doing this!
Riley then sent a video that Ariel took of Riley burning me with a lighter and me crying and begging her to stop. Newsflash. She didn't.
I know that Ivan was in full anger slash freaking out slash I want to murder you mode.
She burned me; alot I had burn marks up and down my back, stomach,arms and legs. She also physically abused me when I made her mad.
Ivan: I love her! And I know your location, I'm coming to get my girlfriend back.
Riley: haha! This is funny. I'm your girl friend though.
Ivan: Riley it's been 4 years Riley, get over it I don't love you I HATE YOU!
Riley:what! We're still together though right ivan?
Ivan: I'm almost there
Riley then put me in a car and took off to another location. Ivan found the car we were in a few hours later because he recognized her car. We were then followed by Ivan and two police officers. When they pulled us over the policemen got out and Riley shot both of them as I screamed. Ivan ran to me and Riley screamed "get back or she dies" while she held a knife to my throat and a gun pointed to Ivan. I was crying my eyes out when she threatened to shoot Ivan
What I didn't know is that Ivan had a backup police man to shoot her (he shot her in the leg)
she dropped her weapons and Ivan ran to me and hugged and kissed me. "Where did he come from ivan?" I asked him. "Babe she's psycho why would I not bring back up and hey are you alright" he asked me. "Yes but I'm in so so much pain because when we got in the car she slammed  the door in my hand and before that she kind of broke my ankle" I told him. He then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. As he was taking me to the car he groaned "babe!" "What?" I said. "You know what happens when you do that" he groaned louder. "Oh I know" I laughed as I put my crotch closer to his making him groan in pain but I know he loved it. "Your lucky you have a broken ankle and wrist or I would drop you in the pool when we get home" he said to me. I laughed. "God I hate you." He said to me. "Oh shut up you know you love me" I said messing up his hair with my free hand. "I know I do, what would I do without my beautiful girl!" He said kissing me.
Riley eventually went to jail and we both went to court to tell the story. At court Riley got ten years in prison and they are debating parole. She's also going to a special prison,it's a mental institution and a prison combined I'm. Just glad she's gone.

What'd you guys think, did you love it!! I know I loved writing it. What helps you guys write? I listen to Shawn Mendes when I write.

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