Warped!............ yeah................. no!

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Jewels POV

Well.... it's been a few weeks since MIke and Jaime kissed me, and i have been trying to avoid them completley. But then again there has been those couple of times that I have encountered them. Long story short they get a litte touchywith thier hands.

Like a couple of days ago at dinner I was sitting between Tony and Mike. Mike's hands started travling up my leg and i tried to stop him, but then I got a text from Jaime. It said that if i didn't let them countine that they would tell Tony that i am cheating on him. With both Jaime and Mike. So I just gave up.

Anywhore we have been at warped for a week now. And i really love it. I have been secretly fangirling shhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell the guys. I also get to share a bunk with Tony which i think is a plus.

I want to tell tony what has been going on but I'm to sacred, then again they are his best friends so he won't believe me. Or i'll end up ruining the band. In which i believe is a whole lot worse. I guess i was sitting there for a long time. Cause I didn't noticed when the Vic walked into the bus, or that i was crying. Until Vic grabbeed me and pulled me onto his lap and i cryed into his chest. We sat there in silence, until Vic finaly broke it.

"I know what the other guys are doing and i'm sorry."

"Wait, how did you know about this?", i ask.

"They wanted me to help them, But i saw how happy you and tony were and i didn't want to mess that up." he explained. " Do you want to talk about it might help?"

I sat there for a bit thinking it over, after i while i agreed.

"Okay but i should really start from the beginining," I say then I sigh sadly before continuing on with my story "well, lets just say that i don't have the best relationship with my dad.......He would abuse me both phisically and sexually. He would have his so-called friends join in at times and well....... At first it was just phisical but then when i was ten he raped me. Imagine being ten and having your inocence taken away by the only man that you trust. And well that led to this."

I slowly lifted my hands up and started to take off my bracelets off.I felt tear slowly make their way down my cheeks. i looked up at Vic ashamed, I noticed that he was crying also.

"Then in high school i started getting bullied by the person that i thought was my best friend. And then this that is going on with MIke and Jaime it reminds me of what happened with my dad and his friends."

By the end we were both in tears, I continued to cry into Vic's chest. After a while i stoped and looked up at him.

"hey um........ what time is it?"

"uh, 5..."

"SHITTTTTTTTT! i have to go i promised Kellin that i would watch them perform today they play in half an hour."

I jumped of his lap and started getting ready. I shouted a quick "bye" to VIc as i ran out the door. i told myself that i was going to forget all my problems and go have fun with the guys of SWS.

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