Give up?

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Vic's POV

Jewels just ran out to go watch SWS's set. We already preformed earlier so.........

I need to stop this now before things get out of hand. I got off the bus and decided to go look for the rest of the guys. i found them all by our merch table.

"hey, Jaime, Mike can i need to talk to you guys" i said

They both nodde and followed me back to the bus. when we got back they both asked what was wrong. Yeah right like they didn't know what was going on. Are they to stubborn to see that they are hurting her.

" you need to stop what you are doing to Jewels" i yell at them

"why would we i mean i'm having fun, i don't know about Mike" Jaime said with a smirk on his face.

" Yeah same here this is way to much fun to stop now." Mike said.

" Are you guys that stupid you don't see what you do to her. She has a horrible past that caused her to cut. and with what you guys are doing you just adding on to that, your making her do it again. You where supposed to be her heros, but instead you cause her even more pain." I yelled.

I had enough of it that i decided to storm out of the bus. I went to go see a random bands set.

Jaime's  POV

Vic just left the bus. we both sat their in silence.

" hey are you going to quit?" Asked Mike.

" Nope" i said popping the "p", " you?" i asked

"no, i say we give her the worst we have ever done," said Mike.

" What are you planning Mikey?" i asked

Mike didn't answer instead he just grinned at me. oh this is going to be good.

Author Note:

Sorry it's really short i will try to post at least three more times this weekend. Thanks guys!

Los amo todos! (love you all)

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