Chapter 1

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The characters don't know each other yet and Akechi doesn't exist in this story because I hate him :) Enjoy!

~ Ryuji Sakamoto
Wednesday Afternoon ~

Why won't he notice me? He's never going to notice me. Why would he? But if he ever did he would just think I'm some weird outcast freak.

He's probably not even gay. The hot guys are always straight, ugh.

"Ryuji! Ryuji?"
Oh shit. It was Ms. Chouno.
"I asked you a question."
Now the whole class was staring at me. Everybody except for Akira. He won't even notice me when I get called out in class. I really must be invisible to him.

"Ryuji!" She sounded angry.
"What? What was your question?" Now I was angry too.
"Ryuji, I'm getting real tired of your attitude. We need to talk. The rest of you can go home now, I'll see you all tomorrow again.

I watched as everyone else went out of the classroom and as Ms. Chouno closed the door. Now it was just me and her. When was she going to understand that I don't care about her class.

"Ryuji I know you think I'm annoying." She couldn't have been more right about that.
"But I just want to help you." Yeah, right. Of course you do.

"I think I know what you need." I can't wait to hear about her stupid idea this time.
"I think you need someone, a friend, that will help you make school more fun for you. I think you need someone to study with. Someone you like more than you like me."
The only problem with that is that no one likes me. No one would ever want to do school work with me. Especially not the one I want to work with.

"I was thinking you could study with Akira sometimes."
Did she just say I was going to work with the one and only Akira Kurusu.
"Akira? Do you mean Akira Kurusu?" I ask excited but at the same time scared of the answer.
"Yes. He has good grades and he wouldn't have any problem working with you. I've already asked him about it and he said that it sounded fun."
Does Akira really think it sounds fun helping me with school work. What the fuck is wrong with him?

"So what do you say?" She asks.
"I guess I could try working with him." I say while I internally fangirl.
"Well that's great Ryuji, I'll see you tomorrow."
I silently nod and walk out of the classroom.

The first thing I see in the corridor is Akira leaning against one of the walls. It almost looks like he's waiting for someone. It's probably some hot girl.

I go to my locker and put all the junk inside it. When I close my locker I look into the eyes of someone I wasn't expecting to be there, it was Akira. Was he waiting for me?

"Hey pretty boy, wanna study at my place?" He said with a smirk on his handsome face.
"Ehhh. S-sure." I was so overwhelmed. "I just have t-to t-take my s-stuff first. This was so embarrassing. I couldn't even say one sentence without stuttering.

I took the stuff I needed and we started to walk to the subway station.


When we finally got on the subway Akira started to talk to me. I have never really had any friends so I am what you can call socially awkward.

"So Ryuji, what do you wanna start with?"
"Ehhh, I don't really know." It was silent for an awkwardly long time before Akira spoke again.
"Do you have any upcoming tests you would need some help with?"
"No, not really." It went silent again. After a few minutes Akira talked.
"Do you know what, this isn't going to work if we can't talk about shit together. We need to get to know each other first. So what do you like to do in your spare time?"
"Ehh, not much, I run sometimes and I like to play video games." This was probably the most awkward situation I've ever been in.
"I also like to play video games. Maybe we could play together sometime?" Did Akira just ask me if I wanted to hang with him? Ryuji, play it cool.
"Sure, that sounds like a lot of fun." I look at Akira and see him smiling at me.
"Great, I look forward to it."

Before we realize we're at the Yongen-Jaya station.
"This is my stop. Let's go." We get out of the subway station and start walking towards his place.
After a few minutes Akira stops outside of a cafe called Leblanc.
"So, this is it. This is what I call home."
"Do you live in a cafe?"
"Yeah, I live in the attic upstairs. It's cozier than it sounds. I quite enjoy it actually."
"Ohh, cool."
"A plus is that there are no adults in the evening. It's just me."
"That sounds real nice. Sometimes I wish I didn't live with my mom. She can be so annoying sometimes."
"I don't mean to pry but, mom? Do you not live with your dad."
"Ohh, it's a kind of a long story and you're probably not even interested." It actually wasn't a long story, I just didn't really like to talk about my dad.

"Well, if I told you I am interested. Would you tell me then?"
"Well, I am interested."
"Ehh, so, my dad was abusive and one day mom decided that she had enough and we left him."
"Ohh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
I can just feel how Akira gets uncomfortable and that he doesn't know what to say. So for the first time this whole afternoon, I'm the one that asks a question.
"So should we go in or do you wanna stay out here all night?" I say in a joking sort of way
"Ohh, yeah of course, follow me."

So that's it. That's the first chapter. I hope you liked it. I'm going to try to keep the updates consistent, but I can't promise anything.

Also if you've read this far, thank you, I appreciate it.



Down here I have a story that my friend wrote while she was bored and I thought it was funny. It is not related to the real story, so Ryuji is not transgender or something like that in my story.

Ryujis P.O.V

Why won't he notice me? He's never going to notice me. Why would he? But if he ever did he would just think I'm some weird outcast freak. He's probably not even gay. The hot guys are always straight, ugh. I wish I was a girl so I could be together with him. So I decided that I'm going to become a girl. I would look so good in my black sexy dress. All the guys would be after me. I would have make-up, it would bring out my beautiful sexy brown eyes. I'm so fucking sexy. Damn even Akira would want to date me. No one could ever resist me. But he wouldn't know that I'm actually a boy. He would say that I'm the sexiest girl ever. But I'm actually a guy who wants to be a girl.

THE END (of that little story)

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