Chapter 9

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Once again I haven't updated this in forever, sO to spice things up a bit I'm adding Goro to the story even though I said I wouldn't in the beginning lmao also if something doesn't really match up with the last couple of chapters then yikes I'm sorry but i actually have a plan now

Akira Kurusu

It was a rainy Sunday afternoon and the two boys had decided to go to the movies together, it had been Ryuji's idea. He wanted to watch some new action movie and Akira had agreed to go with him, it was only as friends though. 

Neither of them had really talked about what happened back about a month ago in the nurse's office. They sort of just acted like nothing had happened between the two.
Akira had asked himself multiple times if that kiss even meant anything. Would Ryuji really like him like that? Maybe the kiss just had happened in the moment, and that it actually didn't mean anything, not for Ryuji at least...

Even though those thoughts made Akira a little sad, he was happy he at least got to spend time with Ryuji. It wasn't exactly what he wanted, but close enough.

He got off the train in Shibuya and started walking towards central street, but when he got to the cinema Ryuji wasn't there. Just when he was about to take up his phone to text him someone jumped at him from behind. "Boo!"
The raven haired boy squealed before he turned around and saw a very familiar blonde boy with a big smile on his face.

"I got you, didn't I?" Ryuji giggled.
Akira shook his head a little in an attempt to brush it off.
Instead of letting it go Ryuji fist bumped his shoulder. "I totally got you dude!"

"You shouldn't scare people like that, you know. It could cause, I don't know... A heart attack." The two boys turned around and saw a boy around their age.
Akira recognized him, but couldn't really put a finger on where he'd seen him before.

Ryuji must have looked really confused or shocked or something because soon after the boy started talking again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." He smiled one of those almost too perfect smiles. "I'm Goro, Goro Akechi."
"Uh okay, sorry man. Didn't know I wasn't allowed to jokingly scare my friend, but okay."

Friend..? Akira wasn't really surprised by it, but it hurt actually hearing him say it. Did he just misunderstand the whole thing? There's not that much to misinterpret if Ryuji's the one who went in for the kiss though. Why would he act like nothing happened then? Maybe I was just thinking too much into it. I guess I'll figure out what he actually meant with it soon enough.

"Right Akira?" It was Ryuji, he had said something but Akira hadn't been listening. They were both looking at him now.

"I think we should go now Ryuji, or we're gonna be late to the movie." He said before looking at Akechi again. "It was nice to meet you, Akechi-san."
"Oh right, I didn't mean to keep you waiting. It was nice meeting you two."
"Yeah, bye." Ryuji said.

The two boys walked away and into the cinema.

"Why did we have to leave all of a sudden? It's still like 30 minutes left before the movie actually starts, y'know." Ryuji looked at the other boy with a questioning look on his face.
"He just felt like a little too much, plus I'm not in the mood to be talking to a stranger." He wasn't completely lying. It was true that he didn't feel like talking to a stranger, but that was only because he wanted to be alone with Ryuji.

"Well okay, you ended it kinda abruptly though, dude."
"Sorry, I didn't know you cared about him so much." Akira hissed.
"It was just kind of an asshole thing to do."
"You don't have to make such a big deal out of it." He spat. At this point people were staring at them.
"Just forget it." Ryuji said as he started walking towards the toilets.

Akira doubted that Ryuji actually had to go to the toilet all of a sudden. He didn't blame him for wanting to leave though.
Akira had fucked up and he knew it. 

so yeah this was kinda short and shitty, i would have made it longer but i wanna continue this in the next chapter so y'all will just have to wait lol I'm gonna start writing that right now tho so it shouldn't take that long before i post it skfjjgkdjgsk

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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