My silver lining

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Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, no one has to tell me that.
But as I sit outside, here and now, I can't think of someone unable to see beauty in this.
As I sit outside on the balcony on the fifth floor, the view amazes me.
Showing me places I can't get to in under an hour, simply by glancing outside.
Every day, I come out here, and see what the world has to offer for me.
Sometimes I can barely see past this little village, the outside world hidden from me.
My vision then feels narrowed, I know there is more, yet I cannot see it.
Rainclouds block everything with their wet curtains, hiding my view by just passing through.
Sometimes I can see as far as the light is willing to take me, my mind taking me even further.
With just my imagination, I then travel a few hundred miles, pretending I can see the world.
In my heart, in that moment, I can.
Every evening I go outside and watch the sun go down, disappearing behind a distant horison.
Never doubting its return the next morning, even if that is, indeed, past my view.
Other days, I look outside, and see just clouds above me, no sun in sight.
I then look left and right, and discover a sight more stunning than any I've seen.
Holes in the cloudy ceiling let down beautiful spotlights, shining down from the heavens, showing that, indeed, behind every cloud, there's a silver lining.
It might not be there yet, but always remember that clouds move.

The wind will blow them away eventually, allowing the sun to shine on you as well.
As I write this, with all of my burdens weighing heavy on my shoulders, a hole appears right above me.
A thin ray shines down on me for barely longer than a second, but in this moment, I know.
It will blow over, and the sun will shine again.
Patiently will I wait until it is my turn, comforted by that small moment.
Because in that moment, it seemed as if the sun whispered in my ear.
"Don't worry, I will get to you soon enough."

Between summer days and thunderstormsWhere stories live. Discover now