My cloud nine

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I stretch out my arms, my fingers searching,
looking for something to hold on to in this darkness
But then they found you, and I could stop reaching,
for you were right next to me
Just by finding you in this lightless world
I found the switch
Just by finding you, suddenly everything illuminated,
bathing in your beautiful light

I open my hand, and that's all I seem to have to do

For instantly our fingers intertwine
There's no need for searching, calling or waiting

Whenever I need you, you are always there
In your arms I crawl, every night, knowing that's where I belong
Knowing I'll sleep soundly, knowing I am home
Just the sound of your regular breathing ignites me within

Happiness radiating through me like an erupting volcano

It doesn't matter how long my day has been

How many obstacles were put in front of me
How many things possibly went wrong

As long as I come home to you
When you laugh, the sound of your voice hits me
Like ripples of pure bliss vibrating the air

When you cry, my heart shatters into splinters
Only to be fixed by your next smile
When you hold me, the whole world goes away
Leaves us to our perfect little moment
Where I lay my head on your chest
Remembering your sweet scent for all eternity
Your arms pull me close, hold me into place
As I can feel my feet release the floor
Slowly taking off to our own little place
Reserved way up in the clouds
You are my strength, you are my weakness
You are my little piece of heaven on earth
You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
You are nothing short of everything

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