[ Five: 2 Bomb ]

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KeeKee rushed to brush her teeth the following Tuesday morning. She quickly brushed her tongue, rinsed her mouth with warm water, and ran out of the bathroom to throw on the first outfit she could pull out of her clothes basket. For today, a t-shirt and a pair of leggings and sandals would have to do. She only had fifteen minutes to get to her 8 AM class and didn't have much time to waste.

"Girl...I told you about those damn 8 AMs. You ain't a freshman no more. You better get on to those 10 AMs like me," Ariana said sleepily from under the covers as KeeKee ran into the bathroom to turn off the water that she had left running after she brushed her teeth.

"Umm, I'd rather get it out the way and have the rest of my day to myself. I prefer not to be in class during certain parts of the day," she responded from the bathroom as she brushed her hair into a wrap. Then she tied a kente scarf around her hair, tying a bun in the front.

She put on a little bit of lipgloss and lined the top of her eyelids before rushing out of the bathroom to grab her car keys, phone, and bookbag. She didn't have time to dress up or do her hair and makeup, but she made sure to put on a pair of earrings and a bracelet before she ran out the door.

Twenty minutes later, KeeKee walked into her Math 250 Lecture Hall and instantly felt her stomach drop as she noticed everyone's heads were down on their desks. She had totally forgotten that they had a freakin' quiz! She didn't study or anything because she was too busy letting Pierre lick a milkshake off of her neck.

The professor walked to the door and spoke to KeeKee outside, telling her that she would have to come back the following Thursday to take the quiz. He was going to deduct an automatic ten points off because of her tardiness on a quiz day which was clearly some unwritten rule of his. So he sent KeeKee on her way which was disappointing to her. Now she would have to study twice as hard just to make up for the ten points that she was going to lose.

A part of her wanted to blame Pierre, but it wasn't his fault that he couldn't see her until late at night. She had so much homework that when she finally called Pierre to see what he was doing, it was twelve in the morning. But when she was with him, she didn't really notice the time. Not only was Pierre physically attractive, but he was mentally and emotionally stimulating. She couldn't be upset with him for long, especially being that it was technically her  fault for being late.

Afterwards, KeeKee left campus and decided that she would go get some breakfast. Coincidentally, Pierre texted her at the same time to say good morning and ask what she was doing. She told him that was about to eat some breakfast to which he replied that he should have been there with her. KeeKee replied with the eye roll emoji before Pierre asked her why she wasn't in class. It was obvious that he was part of the reason why due to his soft lips and flexible tongue. So she decided to leave him on read as she munched on her sausage biscuit and hash browns.

When she got back to Allen, she grabbed her book bag and locked her door, heading back upstairs to her dorm. She sipped a bottle of orange juice as she walked into the dorm lobby, briefly stopping to talk to a few of the Deltas that she had befriended the previous year. She was supposed to pledge but a family issue popped up that stopped her from doing so. However, they still liked her and thought that she would be a good addition to their sorority. So they often hung out with her and invited her to their events. They suggested she come to a party that weekend in which their brother fraternity, Omega Si Phi, would be attending. KeeKee pressed her lips together and chuckled. The party would be fun since she hadn't been to one in a while. Maybe Ariana, Raheem, and Pierre could tag along with her or something.

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