Death's Refusal

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Angel's thoughts were blurred, as she sat on her bed. Her clouded gaze shifted tiredly along the walls.

Elijah had brought her home after the scene in the park. He had held her as her grief overflowed her eyes and ran down her reddened cheeks. Elijah had continued to whisper that it would be okay. She would survive this.

Of course, Elijah would say that. Petrovas were survivors. Surviving ran thick in their blood---but one can not survive forever. Death is inevitable, whether it is a mental death or a physical. Death is inexorable, and Angel was under no exception of escaping his grasp.

Her eyes clenched shut as her sister's killing played on repeat in her pounding head.

How could Katerina be dead? Angel had just gained the brunette her freedom, and it was already stripped from her.

Katerina was dead because of her. Because of Angel.

Angel hated that fact.

Her hands ran through the roots of her tangled hair, and her fingers roughly clenched them. Her nails scraped painfully against her scalp, but the emotional pain she was feeling was flawlessly outweighing the physical. Either way, pain was unavoidable.

Her dark eyes were filled with a turbulent storm of raw emotions, and her shaking hands gripped the neck of a full bottle of tequila that was stored in her dresser. Pulling herself off the bed, she stumbled to her bathroom and rummaged through the cabinets for the bottles of antidepressants, anxiety, and antipsychotic medications that had been prescribed to her throughout her life by doctors who thought pills could fix her.

As she held the bottles in her hand, she stared at them with hate. Her hand clenched over the plastic containers, as she took another swig of the cheap liquor.

Lazily swaying back to her room, she flung herself down on her bed, then began popping the remaining pills and washing them down with the burning clear liquid.

Her eyes fluttered between closed and opened, as her mind fought to stay awake, while her heart fought to just stop fighting it.

Her mind was in a twirling daze, as she continued to finish the bottle and lick off the bitter glaze of the remaining alcohol that coated her lips. 

Her phone buzzed, but she ignored it as she basked in the effects of her exhaustion and drugged-up trance.

Her hand rested against her heart as she attempted to count the slowing beats. She did not know why for sure, but maybe it was the morbid sense of relief that the beats would end soon, and with it, so would her misery.

These emotions had become distant for Angel and due to that, it was becoming incredibly hard for her to ease the crave for eternal sleep.

Death was nothing knew to the girl. She had died on multiple occasions, but maybe the knowledge of this being the last one thrilled her.

Her eyes eventually closed, and her heart overpowered her mind. Her consciousness began to dim. Her breathing faded into lighter exhales, as her fingers loosened around the empty neck of the bottle.

The brightness that gleamed through her eyelids slowly started to wane, and a dreamless darkness replaced it.


Jeremy groggily swung his door open and dragged his feet towards the bathroom. He groaned in annoyance at the scattered mess of the things that littered the floor and all the open cabinets. Elena was still staying with the Salvatores, and Jenna had spent the night at Alaric's house, so he was fully aware of who to yell at for the bathroom wreck.

"Angel! Get your ass up! Why did you do that to the bathroom? You better be cleaning it up 'cause I'm not!"

His fist banged against her closed door. After a few minutes of no response, he furrowed his brows. Angel was usually up. "Are you okay? Angel, wake up. Open the door." His fist banged more urgently against the wood. His heart began beating more frantically. He knew she came home last night.

Giving up, he reached for the door handle and shook it violently. The door was locked. Angel never gave a shit about locking the door. She never cared enough do so. Something was wrong.

He ran a hand through his hair then began to slam his shoulder against the barrier keeping him from his sister.  Eventually the door wore down, and he was able to get in.

The sight the greeted him made his stomach drop and his mind spin. His older sister was laying still against the mattress. Empty bottles of pills and liquor surrounded her, forming some sadistic depiction of tarnished life.

"Angel!? What the fuck?" He sped to his sister's side and dropped to his knees beside her. He pulled at his hair, while his mind flickered between hazy thoughts of what to do. His hand shakily reached over to her neck to check her pulse point, while tears began to form in his eyes.

His breath quickened as his fingers felt for the pulse point, and he felt...he felt a steady heartbeat. 

He grinned, slightly out of it, while tears of relief slid down his face, but anger soon filled every vein in his body.

He gritted his teeth, as he roughly gripped her shoulders and shook her violently. "Wake up! Are you sick? Why the hell would you do this to me? What the hell is wrong with you?  Is this some kind of sick joke!?" His questions spilled out of his lips and were spat at the still unconscious blonde.

His eyes burned with fury, as he ran to the bathtub and filled it with cold water. Rushing back to her room, he swung her body off the bed and dropped her in the tub.

A deep gasp escaped the blonde, as her eyes shot open and took in the sight under the water. She pushed herself up and began to harshly cough up the water that had settled in her lungs.

Her red-stained eyes met her brother's, and she almost flinched from the amount of rage that burned in his orbs.

"That," he hissed, "was Not. Fucking. Funny." He glared at her one last time before storming back to his room and slamming the door, forgetting about his plan to shower.

Her eyes glanced around, and she slowly pressed a hand over her heart, wincing as she felt the steady beat.

"No," she whispered, "no, no, no."

The doppelgänger's heart stopped. That should of allowed Angel's to stop as well. What went wrong?

She shook her head and bit her lips as silent tears gathered in her eyes. She didn't know what to believe in anymore. She didn't know what to do.

Angel just didn't​ know.

Slowly standing up from the tub, she grabbed a near towel and wrapped it around herself, then began to wobbly make it to her room.

She sighed as she saw the notification light on her phone blink. Picking up the phone, she scrolled through them, but stopped at one from an unknown number.

She gritted her teeth as she read it.

'I met your little friend last night. I hope you two weren't that close, darling. I'll see you soon.'
Kol Mikaelson was always causing trouble for her.

She quickly called Ronnie and bit her lip in frustration at receiving his voicemail.

"Well, shit," she muttered. 

Did I seriously already update? Yes, yes I did!💪😂😂

😅I'm such an awkward person.

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