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Eisuke- Where's Ruby?

All- What!!!

Before anybody could say anything else the doctor enters.

Doctor- Mr. Ichinomiya is awake, that's a relief. Now you are completely out of danger but your injuries are very bad so you need to take good care of yourself.
Eisuke- This is such a pain.
Doctor- By the way, where is the lady who was here since yesterday? She was really very worried, I saw her crying the entire time. Without knowing I can say she was your wife, right Mr. Ichinomiya?
Eisuke- Wife!? I am not married yet. That must be Ruby, she is always so dramatic.

This statement shocks everyone even more.

Soryu- Doctor, I need to talk to you.
Doctor- Sure.

He drags the doctor out of the room.

Soryu- Doctor something is wrong with him, the lady here was his wife. They got married just a few months ago and now he is saying he is not married.
Doctor- Then who is Ruby?
Soryu- She was a business partner and a good friend of his but due to some reasons she is in jail right now, and Eisuke was the one who got her arrested because she tried to kill Krystal.
Doctor- Who is Krystal?
Soryu- Eisuke's wife, the one who is sitting here beside him since yesterday.
Doctor- This is something serious, I need to check him again.

The doctor walks inside and just as Soryu was about to enter he spots Krystal standing there wide eyes. Her expression was difficult to read.

Soryu- Krystal, he is out of danger.
Krystal- he is safe.

She somehow manages to say these words but she could not believe the fact that Eisuke forgot their marriage.

Meanwhile the others come out and looks at Krystal. None of them said anything until the doctor returns.

Baba- Doctor is he okay?
Doctor- I am really sorry to say this, but he has forgotten 5 years of his life.
All- What!!
Doctor- Yes, I asked him some questions and when I asked him which year this is he said its 2012 which means he has forgotten 5 years of his life.
Krystal- Please say this is all a lie.

She was trying her best to hold back the tears but failed miserably.

Doctor- I wish I could say this. I will go and get his X-rays reports done.

He starts to leave but then stops again.

Doctor- And please call Ruby, Mr. Ichinomiya has asked for her many times and at a time like this we need to do what he says.

Everyone falls silent.

Soryu- Ok.

The doctor leaves and the corridor goes guiet.

After some time the doctor calls Krystal to his office who is accompanied by Soryu.

Doctor- I have checked his report and due to a hit on his head this has happened.
Krystal- Doctor, will he never get back his memory?
Doctor- No that's not true. He may get his memory back, he may not. You have to try step by step so that his memory returns slowly. If you try to press him then the condition may get worse. Firstly you need to make sure he get to see every person he knew that time, it will lessen the risk of his life.
Krystal- Ok.

Suddenly Baba enters the room with a loud bang.

Baba- Doctor, Eisuke collapsed.
Doctor- What!!
Doctor quickly runs out and they follow behind him.

Doctor does a quick checkup and Eisuke  gains his consiousness after some time.
The doctor very calmly tells him that he has forgotten few years of his life, hearing which Eisuke freaked for a moment but then the doctor assured him that he will get back his memory.
Soon Eisuke drifts off to sleep and doctor comes to Baba.

Doctor- What happened earlier?
Baba- He was asking about Ruby again and we were not able to give him a proper answer, this freaked him out and he said we are hiding something from him and soon he collapsed holding his head.
Doctor- See, I told you this will happen. For the time being do as he says then once his injuries are cured the risk of danger will be less.
Soryu- But doct.....
Krystal- Soryu, bring Ruby here.
Soryu- What the hell are you saying?
Krystal- Its for Eisuke, bring her here, I am sure she will not deny to come here once she learns that Eisuke is calling her. I cant let anything happen to him, if I have to face Ruby I will do it.

After a moment of silence Soryu quietly says.

Soryu- Ok, I will call the police station.

He leaves and Krystal peeps over the glass pane to look at Eisuke who was sleeping.

Krystal- I wont let anything happen to you, I promise. Even if you dont remember me, I know your love for me will never die. 

A lone tear falls from her eyes, little did she know the real challenges were yet to come.


Sequel to Forever yours, Kissed by the baddest bidder-EisukeWhere stories live. Discover now