bottled up feelings [au]

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"fuck- -oh- - faster-" taylor's head fell back in pleasure as a wide smile spread on her face when the girl on the bottom worked her tongue marvelously.

taylor gripped the headboard of karlie's bed tighter as she neared her climax. "can you go any faster, i'm- - -fuck." taylor grunted as karlie's tongue swept through her folds one last time before she came undone.

with a shiver running through her whole body, taylor fell onto the bed next to the younger girl.

their tired eyes met and both girls exchanged small smiles before karlie leaned in for a kiss. a ringing phone interrupted their kiss.

"that's mine." taylor reached over karlie to get her phone from the nightstand, her arm lightly brushing karlie's pert breasts.

"do you have to go?" karlie asked with a pout as taylor got up to get dressed.

"it's the middle of the day on a wednesday, i have a class." the shorter girl replies before hooking her bra up and pulling her shirt over her head.

"you can miss one day, you know." karlie ran her fingers lightly on the older girl's arm as she was slipping her shoes on.

"tests are in a month, karlie. no." taylor smiled before kissing the taller girl on the cheek.

karlie fell back into the bed imagining taylor was still next to her.

the two had been friends since day one of karlie's college life and their little escapades started just over a two months. so far, they were managing just fine with the whole friends with benefits thing, up until two weeks ago.

karlie realised that she wanted more, she wanted to spend more time with taylor. she wanted more than just sex at any time of the day. she always kind of knew wanted a relationship and she clearly knew taylor would disapprove of whatever was in karlie's mind. she didn't want to sabotage their friendship, and the benefits just because she wanted more.

also, taylor was seeing some girl from her english literature class and karlie knew she had no chance at all.

it's okay, atleast you get mind-blowing sex.

karlie kept trying to convince herself but everytime taylor left, karlie's heart felt like it had been stepped on.

• • •

"taylor! have you seen karlie?" martha questions as soon as taylor enters the lecture hall which was slowly starting to fill up with students.

"uh- -no, i haven't." no one else but the girls knew about their little rendezvous'.

karlie's face when taylor left her room was stuck in the back of her mind, it wasn't normal. she looked kind of really really sad. taylor couldn't quite put a finger on what the issue was.

apart from frequently having sex, everything was the same between them. or was it?

the entire lecture, taylor's mind was occupied with karlie. karlie had been acting strange for a few days now, the older girl was confused about what was wrong.

taylor was slightly surprised when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

it was dianna.

a pang of guilt hit taylor in the chest. the two had been on one date and dianna confessed that she had a massive crush on taylor a few weeks ago, taylor said yes just because the girl would be crushed if she was rejected, and she was one pretty specimen too. taylor and karlie were platonically fucking but it still made taylor feel guilty because she felt like she was cheating on dianna, even though things between them weren't anywhere near concrete yet.

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