Chapter 5

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     The voice kept ringing in my ears. I suddenly realize; I didn't drink a litre of blood yet this week. I hurried down the ladder and made my way to Chopper's room where he was grinding some herbs. Immediately, when I came in, I collapsed causing him to panic. My body felt heavy and numb. At least I told Zoro what to do in times like this. The only problem is whether he remembers what to do. However, even after that, it would take a few days to let the blood soak in and take effect.

     The next time I woke up, I was lying in the bed of the clinic and Sunny felt like it was still underwater. Carefully, I got up and looked at my wrist which had a mark of a lightning bolt on it which told me I had gotten all the blood I need and I walked up to the deck. To my amazement, everyone was still the same as they were before but they seemed to have gotten new clothes from Fishman Island. Chopper noticed me come out of the room then yelled, "Everyone, Crystal is awake!" Everyone looked at me and cheered and welcomed me back. Just seeing them happy was enough to make me happy which was the reason why I joined this crew in the first place. I wanted my last few moments before the Change happens to be happy. After all, my mother regretted not being able to do anything fun before the Change killed her.
     Then, the song of island whales filled my ears in a calming symphony. Brook was running about yelling "Laboon" all over the place. He stood atop one of the bird's nests and played Binks' Sake with a violin. The whales guided us to the surface but suddenly when they left, a whole fleet of Marines came surrounding us. I got out my knives but then noticed their odd behaviour. They weren't firing. Nami explained that it was a mirage.
     Just as Usopp and Chopper were about to relax, Nami added, "Don't let your guard down yet. If my guess...i-is right..." She said looking up at the sky as it darkened. We all looked up.
     "What is this?!" Luffy exclaimed for miles to hear. Giant raindrops were about to fall on us but they turned into ice at the last minute. Nami continued explaining about the New World's weather being abnormal while I just help them out in where they were lacking at the moment and ran up the mast and jumped at one of the ice balls and sliced it up before it hits the ship, then using the sliced bits as a foothold to jump to the next one. The others were still on the Sunny admiring my skill when suddenly, an avalanche came down from the sky but I quickly used the Flare Fruit powers that I got when I met Firefist Ace in Alabasta before he died and blew the fire out of my mouth like a flamethrower, melting it all while also evaporating the following downpour before it got to the ship. When I looked back at the ship, I saw it about to fall into the sea that had parted by itself. I watched calmly as Franky used a blast to get out but immediately got struck by lightning. I sighed to myself in exhaustion as I used fire to fly towards the Going Sunny before collapsing along with the rest of the crew on the deck.

     The following day, we woke up melting from the heat. I sighed as I lay down on the chair under the shade of an umbrella. Although the heat didn't bother me, it has been a few years since I last came back to the New World and I had forgotten all about its crazy weather change. I stared at the fire that danced on my fingers bored out of my life but somehow, the boys can manage to stay active.
     "Did you eat the Flare Fruit," Robin asked, me sitting down with a book in her hands.

     "No I just ate the Copy Fruit that allows me to copy the abilities of anyone by touching them once but I need to remember them if I want to use them in the future. I just so happen to run into Firefist Ace a few years ago in Alabasta," I said putting the fire away. "Anyways, if you need me I will be in bed trying to sleep through this berserk weather," I added getting up and going into the girls' room and falling on top of my bed instantly falling asleep. Somewhere in my sleep, I could hear the sounds of cannons and yelling.
     When I awoke, I went up to the upper deck and found a sea of fire filled with bones of fishes. It took only one look to realize that we were anchored at Punk Hazard. At that moment, we heard crying coming from the kitchen. I quickly entered and saw the Den Den Mushi crying. 'An emergency call?' I thought. Luffy picked it up ignoring what Robin and Usopp said.
     "Hello? My name is Monkey D. Luffy! I'm the man who's gonna be the Pirate King!" he yelled into the speaker. Before I could slap him for taking this lightly, Usopp helped me do it and gave him a scolding.
     "It's freezing... Is that you, boss?" The snail said repeating the person on the other side. "My companions keep on getting cut down. The samurai's going to kill us all!
     "Hey, what's your name? Where are you?" Luffy asked, yelling.
     "It doesn't matter who I am, just save me." The man answered back. "I'm on... Punk Hazard!" After that his screaming pierced my ears as I heard the sound of someone slashing him. Then the snail went back to sleep. Luffy put the speaker down then had an expression like he was thinking.
     "I suspect foul play," was all he said and Usopp and Chopper began to yell at him. Brook explained that the samurai the person told us about was probably from the kingdom of Wano. But I didn't stay any longer to hear them talk, I quickly rushed out of the room and changed into some thinner clothes while packing a pair of warm clothes because I had actually come to this island by accident before and knew of its other half. I brought a few of my other weapons with me as I ran past the others who were on the top deck looking out at the island. When they saw me about to jump they yelled for me to stop. However, I will not just sit by idly and let someone get killed. Not when I can help it. With one big leap, I used the Spring Fruit that I got from Bellamy and jumped over the fire and landed on the other side safely. With one last look at the others on the ship, I set off and went past the gate with the words "Punk Hazard" written on it. When I saw the gate in no condition it was going to be cut by the weapons I had on me now, I used the Ice-Ice Fruit that I got from one of my fights with Aokiji and froze the front gate then used my whip to slash it until it cracked open and entered without hesitation.
     After a few meters into the burning ruins, a large red talon was placed in front of my path, breaking a few debris and kicking up dust. I looked up to see an old friend. "Hello there, Blaze," I said to the red dragon that wagged its tail and nuzzled me happily. I laughed and hugged its large face. Then, I heard the voices of Luffy and Usopp yelling in the distance. Blaze noticed my distress and got up and marched over to them. "Wait, Blaze! It's not like that!" I told him trying to calm him down but he wouldn't listen. Before I knew it, Blaze had already found Luffy and the others but they couldn't see me since I was hiding behind the flames. "Luffy! Zoro! Robin! Usopp!" I yelled at them but then I felt someone grab me. I struggled out of the person's grab but when I found I couldn't, I bit its hand and quickly yelled, "Save me!"

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