♔♕Chapter 5: claiming territory ♔♕(lemon)

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As you can see I added a new symbol ♔♕ this means that there will be some mature content in the chapter I will give a warning when it begins and when it ends also when you only see ♔ it means the chapter will mostly be about Velgron and while you see ♕ the chapter will mainly be about Grayfia, now I have talked enough enjoy "Lucifer"

Grayfia awoke early as a soft knocking was on the door she stepped out of bed as her silky white nightgown fell to her feet she opened the door and looked Velgron in the eye "would you like it to join me for breakfast?" Velgron asked her with a small light of hope in his eyes making Grayfia smile "i would love to"  she answered and he nodded giving her time to get dressed as she changed from a normal maid outfit she now would be wearing

Grayfia awoke early as a soft knocking was on the door she stepped out of bed as her silky white nightgown fell to her feet she opened the door and looked Velgron in the eye "would you like it to join me for breakfast?" Velgron asked her with a sm...

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The dress kissed Grayfia's body and showed off her generous curves.

She walked into the dining hall as she was well known with the layout of the house as Milicas followed Grayfia into the dining room "Welcome please take a seat"  Velgron greeted as he stood up and kissed Grayfia she kissed back as they separated Velgron pulled a chair back and let Grayfia sit down and did the same for Milicas before sitting opposite of them he snapped his fingers as some maids filled the room carrying plates with different kinds of food as Velgron took a slice of the roasted beef Grayfia decided to ask some questions "what are you planning to do now that you've announced you're back?"  Grayfia asked him and he looked at her "well i'm trying to get me some territory in the human World first and I think I have an idea about where I want it" Velgron honestly answered and Grayfia narrowed her eyes playfully "oh really and does this town go by the name of Kuoh?"  she asked smirking as Velgron smiled innocently "why yes it does" he answered her as Grayfia smirked "and let me guess you will buy them out"  Grayfia guessed and Velgron chuckled "know me so well my queen" Velgron said as he looked at her lovingly "of course I do...my king" she muttered as Velgron stood behind her kissing her neck Grayfia barely contained a moan since Milicas was still there "to..night" Grayfia was able to make out and Velgron chuckled "as you wish my queen"  and with that Velgron dissappeard in a flash Grayfia was blushing madly "Milicas I will be staying in Velgron's room" Grayfia told her son.

Velgron appeared in Zurich as immediately he was surrounded by fallen angels he held up his hands in surrender "Don't worry im just here to speak to Azazel"  Velgron told the fallen angles as they stepped back one of them are approached him "what do you want devil scum" he asked "like I said I just wish to speak with Azazel" Velgron answered "and why-" the fallen angel  was about to say but was interrupted "just what the hell is going on here!?!"  an irritated voice bellowed as the fallen angles turned around and paled "Lord Baraqieul" they bowed and Velgron snickered "Baraqieul you old masochist" Velgron greeted as Baraqieul gained a tick mark "what do mean you maid obsessed pervert" Baraqieul replied as they both looked at each other they busted out laughing as they gave each other a brotherly hug "it's good to see you my friend but what takes you here?"  Baraqieul asked Velgron who shrugged "ehh..I have some business with Azazel" Velgron replied lazily so Baraqieul nodded and motioned Velgron to follow him.

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