Outside of the lucifer Mansion in the trees was a group of creatures known as the dark Templar they had a scarf covering the bottom side of their face as on their necks was a tail of hair that connected them mentally they called it the Khala that connected them their red capes rustling behind them in the night wind "Great Templar Vasalis are you sure this is the only choice?" one of the Templar asked his leader who sighed "I don't know but those devils told us this was the only way we could get Elysa back" Vasalis told him as the man nodded "alright gentlemen can I help you?" a female voice called out making them look in shock as they were discovered as they looked up in the sky they saw two persons above them they were none other than the Leviathan Siblings Katarea and Seshoumaru
"why are you here?" Katarea demanded as she had a magic circle on her hand ready to attack if needed "we were ordered to assassinate the one known as Velgron Lucifer" Vasalis explained as Katarea chuckled "and you think you could easily kill our king?" She asked them in amusement
"we have no other choice I'm afraid" Vesalis said as he turned on the psychic blade on his arms that glowed green indicating it was active
"may I ask why you are here or do you want to just try to kill me and die for nothing?" A powerful voice made itself known as Velgron Lucifer appeared with his wings "Velgron Lucifer I'm sorry but there is no other way" Vasalis said as his fellow Templar all activated their blades "stand back you two" Velgron ordered when Seshoumaru was about to draw his sword to step in as Katarea raised an eye brow she saw the look in Velgron's eyes and she nodded as she motioned for her little brother to step back
"you know it's not to late to drop your blades and walk away" Velgron told them as he received no answer he sighed he summoned his scythe and his armor appeared around his body
"don't say I didn't warn you" Velgron told them as the first two Templar rushed at him they were so fast it almost seemed like they disappeared in thin air but it was nothing for the lucifer as he raised his scythe to block both Templar at the same time surprising them for a moment wich he used to knock them back from him as the two dashed back another two took their placeThe new challengers played it differently as they both disappeared before both reappearing again only this time one was behind him and the other in front as the one behind him made impact with the armor he found his blade had bounced off the plate much to his surprise as Velgron had slammed the one in front of him in the face he turned around to slash the one behind him with his scythe
"this is pointless and you know it now why don't you tell me who you are and what you think you are doing" Velgron orderd as the Templar where all panting and bruised up "and if you don't then well I think my peerage would deal with you" he said as a dome around them dissappeard and the Lucifer peerage appeared surrounding the Templar all combat ready except for Grayfia who was inside the Mansion and for some reason unknown to Velgron Kuroka was with her.
Seeing they were surrounded Vasalis sighed "it was nothing personal young Lucifer that I can assure you but it are the current Satan's that forced our hands" Vasalis explained making Velgron growl in annoyance before taking a breather and turning back to the dark Templar "alright you have my attention" Velgron assured Vasalis who nodded as he began explaining that they were forced to carry out the assassination order on Velgron himself if they wanted their Priestess back.
"so let me get this straight the current Satan's minus lady Leviathan have kidnapped your high Priestess and forced you to kill me if you want her back?" Velgron asked and Vasalis nodded Velgron turned to Katarea and whispered in her ear "prepare you Enju, Rentaro and Arturia and Lefay for a mission" Velgron told her and the queen nodded as she mentioned for said peerage members to go with her as Velgron turned to Vasalis he spoke again "you know I'm in quite a good mood so I'm going to do you a favor how ever if i do this you are in my debt understood?" he asked and Vasalis nodded in acceptance "I'm going to get your priestess back"
Underworld Satan's council
"now what to do with you" Falbium asmodeus asked as he stood over a chained Elysa who looked broken as Serafall hid her small tears that were falling at seeing the girl she cared so much about in such a stateThey were about to continue their meeting when an explosion sounded making the Satan's go on high alert
As they rushed outside they found the people responsible for the explosion "Katarea Leviathan, you have a lot of guts to show yourself here" Sirzechs said smugly making Katarea raise an eyebrow "oh really now?" Katarea asked as she snapped her fingers the rest of the group became visible "Velgron" Sirzechs growled as he saw the original Lucifer "what are you doing here" Sirzechs hissed as Velgron rolled his eyes "I'm here for the Priestess" Velgron claimed loudly as Sirzechs chuckled flaring up his magic "if you wish to get her you have to get trough me" Sirzechs told Velgron who smirked "very well this will be our final clash Gremory" Velgron admitted as he flared up his power of annihilation "let's end this" they yelled at the same time charging towards the other with magic infused fistsSo yeah this book is coming to an end with one chapter left I'm deciding I am almost finished with this story so I hope to see you in the final chapter "Final clash"
-byebye Cookie-Chan

Lucifer|Highschool Dxd| OCxHarem
Fanfictionwhat if Grayfia wasn't supposed to marry Sirzechs but someone else and after his supposed death she was forced to marry Sirzechs. What would this person's return mean to the three factions?? Read and find out