Underworld, Lucifer Estate, Backyard
Velgron watched as his Knights Julis and Arnice went at it as one of his Bishops were on either side enchanting his Knights with attack power or healing them if they had an injury as this was a training session Velgron came up with as he studied for Ratings games back in his younger years and he had found out using his father's peerage at the time that it worked really well so now he was using it with his own peerage Kuroka and Arnice against Vladimir and Julis he also paired the two together as Kuroka was an aggressive spell caster and Arnice was also heavy on offense he had paired Vladimir a heavy enchanter with Julis who could be both offensive as defensive Arnice rushed at Julis with her duo Frost blades powering her swords with her ice Julis countered by creating roses out of Fire shooting them at Arnice making her dodge the roses as she sped up against Julis and almost was about to hit her a shield from Vladimir blocked the strike making Arnice growl Kuroka used her senjetsu to increase Arnice's strength and cracks started forming in the shield "Enough" Velgron stopped their fight and clapped slowly Apollo and Grayfia following their kings example "well fought all of you" he complimented them as he gave them all a bottle of water "Boss" Laxus called to his king as he walked onto the pitch. "what's wrong Laxus?" Velgron asked his Rook frowning in confusion "i got some news for you,it seems we have A guest who was looking for you who just entered town even asking clients of your's it seems they really want to find information" Laxus told his king "is there something else?" Velgron asked "well after they entered the town there have been sightings of magicians entering trough our sensors" Laxus answered Velgron growled "So not only someone is trying to pry into our business and not only that they have been followed by rogue mages how wonderful" he said sarcastically "Arnice,Apollo you two come with me the rest of you stay on stand by" Velgron told his peerage who bowed and carried out their orders as Arnice and Apollo joined their king's side as the Magic seal appeared and with a silver glow they dissappeard.
Kuoh, Northern part of town, Industrial terrain
The Lucifer group appeared in the industrial terrain of the town on top of a container "Why are we here?" Apollo asked as he looked around "i followed the signal Laxus gave me and it brought us here" Velgron said as he was scanning the area with his senses "found them" Velgron said as he chuckled "it seems our rogue mages have driven our guests into a corner" he said as he spread his wings and so did his companions as he flied a bit to the place where the energy was coming from as he hovered above them his eyes widened as he saw a familiar face "zest?" he asked himself as he saw the dark skinned girl in a maid outfit with two horns he looked at her opponents "Khaos Brigade.." he growled "Apollo" he called to his pawn who nodded as Apollo made his Bow appear and laid an arrow down on it "Arnice after Apollo fires that arrow and hits I want you to leap in and kill the rest of them" he instructed his Knight who nodded "Fire Apollo" he told his pawn who released the arrow as it started spinning it was surrounded by magic energy when it hit the target it created an explosion Arnice sweeped down and slashed down the remaining magicians who were panicking and didn't know what was going on "what the?" the female asked as she used night vision she was confused as she saw a woman and a man fighting against the mages who were following her the last week.When the mages have been the defeated the woman turned to Arnice and Apollo who stood on the ground as Velgron was still hovering in the air "who are you?" the woman asked as she glared at the two in front of her "Well that's not nice to say to your rescuers" Apollo joked to wich he received a slap to the back of the head from Arnice "i apologize for my companion but we have some questions for you" Arnice said as she looked at the woman "Fine what do you want to know?" she asked "who are you and what are you doing here?" Arnice asked the woman who sighed "my name is Zest but what I'm doing here is none of your business" the woman now named Zest answered "i think I know" Velgron replied loudly pulling all attention towards himself he smiled at the woman who teared up when she saw him "it's good to see you again Zest" he said as he flew down towards her as he landed in front of her she immediately bowed down to him "Lord Velgron" she said "Stand up Zest" he ordered her as she did Arnice turned to her King "you know her Lord Velgron?" she asked and Velgron nodded "oh yes I remember when I met her"
Before the Great War, Lucifer Estate
"son come here I have someone you need to meet" Lord Lucifer called towards his son as he walked past his father's study "what is it father?" a young Velgron asked as he looked in the room he saw a woman standing next to his father who wasn't his mother "son I want you to meet Zest she will be serving us as of today" Lucifer told his son who walked up to Zest and smiled "nice to meet you Zest" he told her as she bowed to him "it's my honor to serve you" Zest told him he nodded "I'll be going father I had a date with Grayfia planned" Velgron said and dissappeard from his father's study.Present,Kuoh
After Velgron told the story of how he met Zest he turned to the maid "what are you doing here?" he asked her "i wish to serve you once again I have been searching for you over the years and when I finally learned of your return I had to come" she told him Velgron smiled "well I always could use another peerage member" Velgron said as he picked a pawn piece out of his pocket "Lord Velgron?" she asked her eyes widening "i know you have potential and I wish to see you grow" Velgron told her Zest bowed on one knee "it would be an honor" she said as Velgron put the pawn piece into her chest "Welcome Zest" he said to his newest pawn before turning to his bishop "Vladimir take Zest and Arnice to the house, I have some business to take care of" Velgron explained as Vladimir nodded "it shall be done" Vladimir said as magic seals appeared underneath Zest Arnice and himself "well then I have a appointment with some Gremorys" he said to himself before disappearing into his own circle.Kuoh Academy, ORC Clubroom
The Gremory Peerage was suprised when they saw the Lucifer Crest appear in their Clubroom "what can I do for you Lord Lucifer?" Rias asked trough gritted teeth "you and I are having a talk about what happened with Kokabiel" he stated glaring at Rias before sitting down on a couch leaning back he looked to his side as he saw Akeno holding A cup of tea for him he thanked her accepting the tea and looking towards Rias "now there is little I can do now since it's already happened" Velgron started as Rias was halfway trough a sigh of relief believing that was everything Velgron continued "but I am going to give you a final warning do not cross me again or I will make sure you suffer the consequences" he said as he as he put the tea down "i need to leave I have other business to attend to" Velgron said standing up and disappearing in a magic circle "damn that man, we will beat him one day" Rias exclaimed "how will we do that then prez? He's crazy strong" Issei asked as he looked towards the Gremory heiress "a rating Game something he can't decline" Rias smirked being super confident in her ability to beat Velgron and his peeragePeerage :
Queen: Grayfia
Bishops: Vladimir, Kuroka
Knights: Julis, Arnice
Rooks: Laxus
Pawns: Apollo, ZestSee you next time in "Lucifer"

Lucifer|Highschool Dxd| OCxHarem
Fanficwhat if Grayfia wasn't supposed to marry Sirzechs but someone else and after his supposed death she was forced to marry Sirzechs. What would this person's return mean to the three factions?? Read and find out