♔Chapter 6: Stray Cat♔

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Velgron woke up in bed together with his wife and Queen Grayfia he smiled at her as she was asleep with her head on his chest and a smile was on her face wich Velgron loved to see ever since he was younger he had sweared to make Sure Grayfia was happy and smiling he quietly stood up and left the bed as he was tieing the buttons of his jacket he heard yawning as he turned around he saw Grayfia rubbing her eyes and stretch herself making some joints pop "good morning beautiful" he complimented her as a small blush dusted her cheeks "morning.." She yawned again "did you sleep well?"  Velgron asked with a smile and Grayfia nodded as she watched Velgron continue to dress up "I'm going to talk to the Gremorys and Sitris later today and I want you to prepare the peerage for when I summon you okay?" Velgron asked her and Grayfia nodded as she stepped out of bed she noticed she was completely naked and blushed as she remembered last night so she started with a pair of black underwear and after that she put on the same Dress she had on the day before she nodded and kissed his cheek "it shall be done" she said and Velgron left trough a magic circle.

Velgron reappeared at the front of Kuoh academy and entered the school grounds. As he was walking towards the school building he heard whispers coming from the students most females were on about how handsome he was and were wondering what he was doing on the school grounds while the male population cursed that he immediately got all attention of the female population. He walked up to the main building and entered it as he made his way trough the hallways until he was in front of the door to the Student Council he entered without knocking on the door.

As Velgron entered the Student Council room he was met with Sona Sitri who frowned as the man in front of her was not a part of the school "can I help you?" Sona asked as she pushed up her glasses and looked at the newcomer even she couldn't deny he was good looking even though she had no interest in a relationship for now "i think you can miss Sitri" Velgron said as he looked amused at Sona's shocked expression "who are you" Sona demanded as she regained her composure and was now glaring at Velgron. "Velgron Lucifer at your service" he bowed a bit and Sona's eyes widened when she found out the man in front of her was the son of the original Lucifer "Sir Lucifer,what are you doing here?"  she asked a bit fearful as she had no idea what the Lucifer wanted from her "oh not much miss Sitri only came here to tell you there will be some changes" he said as he sat down on one of the couches and accepted a cup of tea from Sona's queen Tsubaki who bowed as she handed him the tea Tsubaki knew that this man was devil royalty so she knew she had to be very careful how she acted and behaved "what...changes?"  Sona asked carefully making sure she didn't sound demanding because she knew what kind of power this man in front of her possess "i just wanted you to know that I will be taking over the region of Kuoh acting as it's controlling governor" he told her as Sona's jaw dropped "but...what does this mean for us?" she wasn't very happy to hear this "it's that I kinda like House Sitri so I will allow for you to do as you please" Velgron told her and she frowned "So for us there won't be any changes?" she asked trying to clear it up and Velgron nodded she let out a sigh of relief "Just remember that my House will now be Representing Kuoh" Velgron told her and left. "Are you alright president?"  Tsubaki Sona's queen asked and Sona nodded "yes I'm fine but I am worried what this will bring in the future and that Rias won't be stupid enough to aggravate him" Sona said as she went to her paper work to file a report to send to her older sister.

Velgron made his way to the old school building where the Occult Research Club was located he went inside the building and saw it was decorated with an Victorian style as he entered trough a pair of Oak doors he saw the room was empty so he decided to sit behind the desk as he laid his legs on the desk and put his arms behind his head and closed his eyes for a while only to open them again as he heard the door open and Rias Gremory walked in with her peerage "it took you a while miss Gremory" Velgron said as he looked at her Rias almost jumped out of her skin as she turned so fast it was a suprise she didn't break her neck "wh...what are you doing here?!"  Rias asked as she looked furious Velgron shrugged "well I came to talk with you but I don't know if I like the tone you're using" Velgron said "my brother is the Lucifer so you better get out now" Rias said smugly and Velgron shook his head "No,Sirzechs is still a Gremory. His title may be Lucifer but he will never be one" Velgron told her as Rias glared at Velgron her power of destruction gathering in her palm and her peerage behind her minus Asia were getting ready to fight "Really you want to fight me?"  he asked her as he raised a eyebrow "i will if I have to" Rias spat at him as he sighed he clicked his finger and between him and the Gremory Peerage appeared a magic seal with the Lucifer family mark on it as Velgron's peerage appeared they bowed to Velgron before turning to the Gremory Peerage "Master Velgron" Grayfia greeted as Velgron nodded to her she looked at Rias who was glaring at her "if you have something on your mind speak lady Gremory I do not take kindly on people who glare at my Queen and Wife" Velgron said sharply as Rias turned her glare to Velgron "she is my brothers queen she will come back to us" Rias Spat "I'm afraid that won't be happening as I am not Sirzechs' but Lord Velgron's also I rather wish to stay with Lord Velgron" Grayfia said as she smiled at Velgron at the end "Gremory you will just have to accept that I will be acting as Kuoh's governor" Velgron told her flatly "you have no choice" Julis said as she stepped up "what are you talking about"  Rias questioned "She's saying that Lord Velgron has bought Kuoh from the Yokai and fallen angels he has bought out both you and the house of Sitri" Laxus butted in
As Rias heard this she glared at Velgron and send her power of destruction towards Velgron before it could even reach him Grayfia stood between them blocking it with her power of Annihilation easily. After Grayfia blocked the shot she glared at Rias "any attempts to hurt The governor will be met with Equal force" she told them in a monotone voice "i need to the going I sense devil's invading my territory, you can go home guys" Velgron said as he dissappeard and so did his peerage as Akeno licked her lips sensualy 'that power how would he be in bed?' Akeno asked herself as her purple panties dampened as with anticipation of finding out.

Velgron reappeared as he saw a group of Hunter Devils surrounding a Nekomota "Tell me what are devils doing on my territory without permission?"  Velgron asked as he made himself known "get lost were taking down this Stray" one of them spat towards Velgron the Nekomota though scrunched up her eyebrows and her eyes widened when she recognized Velgron but she also got confused as she didn't know what the Lucifer was doing here "hmm she's not a Stray at least a regular Stray" he said as he looked like he was bored wich angered the Hunter Devils "Then just die!" one of them yelled as he shot magic at Velgron who yawned before he swatted the shot away with his arm the Devil Hunter's eyes widened when the new arrival had blocked the attack with that much ease "you annoy me"  Velgron said as his eyes started glowing "Now perish" he said darkly as he raised his arm and a orb of silver energy shot between the completely obliterating the Hunter Devils he then turned to the Nekomota "well then what should we do with you?" he asked as he extended his arm to pull her up and ashe pulled herself up she fell trough her legs again since she was tired and her legs hurt from where the Hunter's had hit her Velgron caught her before she hit the ground "nya~ how about you Mr devil take care of me, Nya~" The Nekomota said as she pressed herself against Velgron so he could feel her Breast pressing into his chest "how About you join my peerage then?"  he asked her as he gave her a Mutated bishop piece the Nekomota smiled "Nya~ I would be happy to, Nya~" she said happily as the bishop melted in her chest "Welcome to the Lucifer house...Kuroka"

I'm sorry that it took some time but our school has a restaurant and I needed to do a lot as It had opened to day so it took some time

Harem: Grayfia-Akeno-Serafall-Sona-Kuroka

As you noticed I decided to take Julis out of the Harem and decided to keep it on Highschool Dxd characters for the Harems only

Queen: Grayfia
Bishops: Vladimir(OC) Kuroka
Rooks: Laxus Dryer(Fairytail)
Knights: Julis von Riesfeld(Gakusen toshi Asterisks)
Pawns: Apollo(OC)

As you can see I only added Kuroka for now but I will be adding more the chapter I decide to introduce them as for now see you next time in "Lucifer"

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