Two- Coffee Date(ish)

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So, the 'date' at Caffe Dante part :) enjoy


I dressed in a hurry as I realized that I was running late for my date- appointment- with Mia at Caffe Dante. It was now twelve forty- five, and Caffe Dante was an exact fifteen minute walk from my place. I rushed out and started down towards it, brimming with hope.

I'd been going to Caffe Dante ever since I'd come back from Japan. There was something about that place that drew me to it. Well, it served great coffee and blueberry muffin, so that was OK.

I hoped I looked OK. Not that I put any thought in how to dress or whatever bullshit, but I still hoped it would be nice. I wore a short sleeve black polo T-shirt and my dark jeans. My hair was wet from the hurried shower I'd taken, and it still hadn't dried. I was wearing my red Converse. A passable look.

Within the nick of time, I entered and searched for Mia. At first, I couldn't see her, and I thought she'd maybe thought better of it and stood me up, but then I saw at the far end, her head buried into the black journal she always carried. I smiled. That looked so familiar that it almost hurt; the times when I had to literally move her head away from that diary and get her to talk to me. Good times, those were.

And good times they will be again, I thought.

Mia caught sight of me and blushed a bright red. Man, was it ingrained in her to blush all the time? It wasn't annoying, but it was creepy; to look at the woman you love and see her in a weird shade of red. All the time, I might add.

She quickly closed her diary as I approached. She quickly took out her iPhone and tapped onto it.

"Hey," I began, sitting down. She nodded, looking scared out of her mind. I peered into her phone and saw the recording application was on.

Mia began her 'interview'.

"H-hi. Um, is it OK if I record the interview?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you need."

Mia tapped the start button.

"So, it's OK if I record this?"

I laughed. "I said it was."

"I know, but I need to record you saying it. I know it's stupid." She grumbled.

I continued laughing. "It's not stupid. It's just kind of weird. I mean, to be sitting here being interviewed by you. First of all, it's you. Second of all... well, you were always the celebrity." I said, looking at her. She gave a quick smile.

"Well, now it's your turn. And thanks again, so much, for doing this. I know how busy you must be, and I want you to know I really appreciate your taking the time out to meet with me."

So formal. As if I would give this silly interview up for something important as the CardioArm. Girls, I swear.

"Mia... of course."

She smiled again. She did look better without the blush, I must say.

"OK, so first question: What inspired you to invent the CardioArm?"

I straightened up. I'd already anticipated this.

"Well, I saw a need in the medical community and felt I had the technical knowledge to fill it. There've been other attempts in the past to create similar products, but mine is the first to incorporate advanced imaging technology. Which I can explain to you, if you want, but I don't think you're going to have room for it in your article, if I remember how long the stories are in The Atom."

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