Star Wars Date {Part 4 of The Princess Diaries}

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Hello, my lovely readers!

This is @vanu2470's request!

I'm so sorry this took so long, but I really do not have any time, plus my mom is now getting annoyed whenever I'm on Wattpad, so I have to do this secretly :P

This is the part where Mia and Michael have their first date. I don't know how it'll be. It probably won't be too long. Have fun tho!


I watched Mia's face as she told me that she couldn't come for the 'elaborate' first date that I'd planned for us.

She looked scared, and ready to freak out. I have no idea why, since I expected this. You can't expect a girl you're dating, especially a princess like Mia, to be available throughout for you. I knew that, of course I did. Not to say that I wasn't dejected, I was, of course, but sometimes you had to make sacrifices. Especially for people like Mia, who I'd been crushing on since forever. I didn't even realize I had a crush on her, until she came dressed like a fairy during Halloween, and I realized how much I really liked her. I guess previously, I could have seen her as nothing more than my sister's best friend; I'd known her as long as Lily had.
And then stupid Josh Richter used her; and she dated Kenny (what did she even see in him?) And then she sent me those anonymous love poems. Which were not so anonymous, since I know only Mia could write poems like that, plus her friends telling me she was the one.
We didn't get a chance to have the proper first date after the Winter Dance, because she had to go the next day to Genovia. And I'd planned this, but like I said, sometimes things are not meant to happen at the 'right' time.

I left without a word- a mistake, I saw later, since she thought I was very upset- to make arrangements for the 'date' to be brought to my apartment. I guess I should have said something like, "Its OK, Mia, we'll do something," but my mind didn't work. Or maybe I didn't think Mia was capable of over active imagination. Choose whichever.

When Pavlov started barking madly, I decided someone was at the door.

I opened the door and...

Well, I tried to keep my jaw from dropping. Mia was standing in front of me...and she was wearing a gown.


She looked drop dead gorgeous, but I was kind of gob smacked that she came to see me in a GOWN, of all the things. And, it was all white and sparkly. Kind of like an advertisement for a toothpaste that whitens and brightens the teeth, you know what I mean?

She was also wearing her tiara, which was kind of intimidating.

"Well, I'm here." She said. That was kind of obvious, but whatever.

"Oh, hey, come in, you look really beautiful." She came inside, and was followed by Lars. Lars could not be a part of what I'd planned, so...

"Lars, my mom and dad are in the living room watching Dateline, if you want to join them."

He left, which left Mia and me alone in the foyer, Mia awkwardly twirling her tiara in her hands and looking nervous. I wonder why?

To clear some of the awkwardness, I asked, "Well, did you eat yet? Because I've got some veggie burgers..."

Face palm. That sounded really weird. I guess Mia in a gown really had tied my brain into knots.

"Um, I don't know. If you're having one, I guess."

What's up with her anyway?


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