Six- Warm Graduation

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So, hey! The last and final chapter of The Prince's Diary is up, and I must say, I really enjoyed writing from Michael's point of view. I'd just like to thank to all the people who added this story to their reading lists, voted its chapters, commented on it, and of course, Meg Cabot, for introducing the amazing character of Michael Moscovitz to give me inspiration in the first place. I love all of you, honestly, even if I've never met you. We all have that one thing in common: to know Michael's POV and his pain throughout his separation from Mia.

This is the part where Mia graduates from AEHS; the part where she and Michael dance and that Karen Martinez part (:P). The starting maybe a little sentimental, but this is required.

Happy reading!


The next morning I woke up feeling like a complete person in the universe. Mia looked peaceful, lying next to me, and I thought, this is it. This is what both of us deserved, this is what I deserved. No, she wasn't a prize, but she very well may have been my hardest achievement. I don't remember putting so much effort in doing anything really, until Mia came along and my feelings got really complicated, and this had been when we were kind of kids. When I'd finally known that I really loved Mia, she'd been going on about stupid Josh Richter. When she finally became mine, I'd thought I'd achieved it all. But love is never simple; one has to cross and climb many mountains to reach the rainbow at the end. And the rainbow that beheld me was truly beautiful; it flickered sometimes due to insecurities and freak out behaviour, but it eventually steadied itself. Just like Mia.


I gave Mia her snowflake necklace back.

When she'd dropped it in the hotel room, I'd found it and kept it with me, because I hoped that one day, we will get back together. When that breakup happened, I knew things went just horribly wrong between us, and I thought that time apart, for both of us to come into our own, might help.

Although, I'd never thought J.P would come in between both of us and 'steal' Mia away from me.

This all I told Mia because it was finally the time to tell some truths, and honestly, after that hotel experience, and seeing J.P getting busted, I swear, I'm never going to lie to her. Ever.

Anyway, I told her, that yes, I did ask Boris to keep and eye on her- not to spy, just to keep me informed. She smiled tentatively at this.

Because of what Boris reported, I really thought that, well, Mia and J.P were madly in love with each other. I should have felt crushed then, but fate had other ideas- it started giving me small doses of hope and keep making my feelings for her stronger.

She asked me then how I got bold enough to, well, flirt with her. I told her that the day I saw her at the Columbia event, and she acted so shy, I decided that maybe, Boris was wrong, and she still had feelings for me.

I also told her that when J.P gave her the ring, I knew drastic measures were called for. And also, if I hadn't left, she'd probably have to deal with a dead person at her party, which would be very messy.

I told her that I could get her a diamond snowflake necklace to replace the old silver one, but she vehemently refused. Hmm. I guess she likes it just like it is.


Mai freaked out when she realized she forgot to check for her dad's result, but it got ok when she realized he had won the elections. Then she accused me of rigging the voting machines there, although playfully. I swore it wasn't possible from where I was living. And besides, in Genovia, they use Scantron.

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