The Breakup#2: Speak Before Think

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Hello dear readers!!!

The reason I titled this as Speak Before Think is because that's what Michael does, he speaks before he thinks.

The feelings of confusion will be apparent in this chapter, as well as a feeling of heartbreak. I'm going to include the breakup as well as the letters/emails that Michael writes to Mia. Also, him seeing Mia kiss JP. Too much? God I don't know...might add some fanfic in the make it more real I suppose???

Also, listen to the song at the side....I think its kind of accurate :D


After returning from a lovely dinner and cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery, Mia and I made out in the vestibule of her apartment, while Lars pretended to put money in the parking meter.

As I was getting ready to leave, Mia said, "Don't make plans for tomorrow night. I have a surprise for you."

"Really? What is it?" I asked.

And she just smiled. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

Which was a good point. So I smiled and said OK, and kissed her goodnight, and left.

Mia's here, at my apartment, while my home has been struck by a hurricane of suitcases and clothes. My mom is crazy; she thinks Japan doesn't have basic necessities like shampoos and toilet paper, and she's got a year's supply of stuff, like family sized containers of Tums.

"Mom, I'm sure they have Tums in Japan. Or something similar. I do not need a family sized container of them. Or this giant vat of Listerine mouthwash."

Its sad, actually. I know mom feels like she needs to be in control of something, I mean, according to the way things have been lately. Still, its annoying. She's given me stuff that could last till the next millennium.

Meanwhile, Mia and I were supposed to have a date, but she says we'll have to sneak out for it, which I don't like. I don't want to get on her dad's bad side. But I'm intrigued, for sure. Its not like Mia to do bad ass stuff like sneak out. Bad ass for her, anyway.

So I tell her OK, and tell her to wait as I look for my jacket. For some reason, she has a smug look on her face. Wonder why.

I come out of my room.

"Sorry, I'm ready to go now."

So we're at the Four Seasons, and Mia has a private suite booked for us. I'm beginning to suspect something, but I'm not sure. I never know with Mia.

I don't like sneaking out, but I'm hoping its just a romantic goodbye dinner, and that the entire Genovian force doesn't come bursting through the doors and shoots me at sight.

I'm shocked, and confused, and hurt. Yeah, I never thought-

Let me start at the beginning.

Oh my God, what the hell was I thinking??!!

Everything was going great, and Mia had ordered all great stuff, and it was GOOD.

And then she dropped the bomb.

"Michael, remember that time my mom and Mr. G went to Indiana and I got to stay in that hotel room at the Plaza and I invited Lilly and Tina and everyone to stay there with me and not you and you got so mad?"

"I didn't get mad," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but you were disappointed I didn't invite YOU to stay in it with me."

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