One- Columbia Event

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AN- This is a re-written version of what I had published before. I improvised and thought it would be better if I keep it minimal to only Michael and Mia clashes and not the whole thing. Saves time :P


I stare at my reflection in the mirror, waiting for the call out- a call that will tell me to come and address the various media people about my new invention- the robotic metal arm. While I'm thinking I space out, thinking if this was the way Mia felt when she gave her various opinions to media people and what not. I wonder what I would feel like. I haven't seen her for almost two years now, yet I remember her face clearly, as if I'd just seen her yesterday. Her dyed blond hair, which had been in a pixie cut the night of the break up. I personally thought she looked cute then, although she had looked panicked. Hmm.

I wonder what changes have come in her appearance. Apart from the fact that she is still very beautiful (well, I'm biased), what all has happened? I know she and Lilly had a horrible fight, how Lilly made up a website (yeah, I found out, Mia is that popular on the Internet) degrading Mia and putting her down. I'd been so mad when I'd found out, I'd wanted to disown her right then, except I couldn't. Man, being concerned about your family sucks.

The day after the break up... I try not to think of it. The way that asshole kissed her (I know Mia had nothing to do with that; she was much too sweet to move on so quickly)... I wanted to kill him right then, but obviously Mia wouldn't have liked that.

I reach into my coat pocket and feel the snowflake necklace I've kept with me ever since she threw it at my face that night.

Right then a voice- probably some attendant- wakes me up from my stupor.

"Mr. Moscovitz, you have to go out now," she says while trying to flutter her eyes. As if I will give her the time of the day. Stupidly, I try to imagine Mia doing that and instantly feel sick. I'm pretty sure Mia would like she got some vertigo instead of looking like she's flirting with me.

Look at me, getting ahead of myself.

"Yep, coming up. Do you have something in your eye?" I ask pointedly. She immediately stops her eye fluttering and blushes, mumbling a 'no' and leaving in a hurry. Good riddance.
I walk out and come out of the backstage onto the podium set up for me by the Columbia University staff. It feels good to be back here again.

I shake hands with Dr. Arthur Ward, and then maintain eye contact with the audience. I remember Mia complaining about it countless times. 

I start my speech about the robotic surgical arm, all the facts spinning off my head, everything memorized- the way Mia also complained about her Grandma whaling on about. As I tell them the benefits and thanking everyone on my team, I see a really tall figure at the entrance, talking to a man of dark colour (not to sound racist). It looks like Lars. No way, Lars? Does that mean... Mia is here? I try not to falter in my speech, but I desperately look for her, where she could be. I don't see her. My heart stops beating erratically, dejected.

After I finish my speech, all of us inaugurate the arm, with the doctors congratulating me. My CardioArm team from Japan comes out, and I hug Midori, who had been particularly helpful in the making of this wonder.

Dr. Arthur Ward surprisingly gave me an honorary master's degree in science, which I was kind of ok with. I mean, these accolades don't matter to me. They are for impressing a particular Dowager Princess who has stubbornly referred to me as 'That Boy' since I began dating Mia, four years ago. I hope it works.

Lilly went to the bathroom after that, and I started talking to the media team from Japan, in fluent Japanese. Suddenly, Lilly bellowed at me.

"Michael!"She had to yell it twice before I finally looked up. And I seriously got a cardiac arrest when I saw who she was dragging. Thank god the CardioArm was there at the moment.
It was Mia. My breathing turned fast. She looked even more beautiful than the last time I'd seen her. Her blonde hair had grown out and was almost to her shoulders- just below it.

The Prince's Diary {by Michael Moscovitz}{Now COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now