Chapter 2

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"Emma. Wait up!" Finn said running after me.

"What?" I said.

"I think I could help you find your other classes." He said a little bit scare.

"Oh. I'm sorry for yell then." I said.

"It's cool." He said. Then I handed him my schedule and he showed me the way. I don't have class with any more. Looks like this will be fun.

"You take this hallway and the class should be on your right." He said.

"Thanks. See you around." I said.

"Yeah see you around. Oh yeah. I thought because you are new and don't have nowhere to sit at lunch. That you can sit with me and my friends. This is not me asking you to join glee. I just thought it would be easier to sit with people you already know." He said.

"Sure. But I'm still not joining." I told him.

"Okay. Meet me where I almost ran you over." He said.

"Sure." I said laughing. Then we said bye and went our own way. I walked into class to see him. There he was talking a cheerleader like always go for the easy ones. I think I'm the only one that gave him a challenge. I walked to the teacher.

"Hey I'm Emma." I said to her.

"Hi Emma. I'm Ms. Bun. Go take a seat anywhere." She said not even cracking a smile. Wow she is so dry that a desert has more water than her. I took a seat all the way in the back so I don't have to get called.

"Okay class. Go take a seat. Time to start." She said still not cracking a smile. What was she born that way or did she even have a smile. Then everyone took a seat and of course he had to pick a seat by me.

"Hey Puck." He said to me.

"Emma." I said trying not to make eye contact.

"So your new here." He said.

"Yeah. I am. So what." I said.

"Feisty. I like feisty." He said.

"Okay. Here how it's going to go. I going to listen to what we are learning so I can get out of here quicker and you are going to shut up." I said now ignoring him. The rest of the class he just glanced at me. The class went by slow.

"Okay. Class is almost over. You guys can talk but quietly." Ms. Bun said.

"So feisty. Let me give a grand tour of this school." Puck said.

"I rather eat dirt." I said now walking to the front to get out quicker but of course he is right behind me.

"Oh come on. A girl as gorgeous as you needs someone to show her around. Please take my offer." He said now trying to turn the charm on. But what he doesn't know that I know all of his treats.

"Only in your dreams." I said. Now got lost in the crowd in front of the door.

"Hey man what was at all about?" I heard one of his friends ask. I just smiled to myself. He didn't recognize me at all. Maybe because I cut my hair short to a pixie cut and dyed it red. I also covered all my tattoos even the one on the back of my neck. Then the bell ringed. Lunch is almost here. I looked at my schedule and realize there are eight blocks in a whole school day.

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