Chapter 24

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I when I got to Mr. Shuster's place. I went right to my room. I pulled out my phone. I needed to talk to someone. So I pressed my friend Star number.

"Hello Star here." She said when she answered.

"Hey Star. Do you have time to talk?" I asked her.

"Always for you Lins." She said.

"So everyone knows." I said.

"What? Really?" She asked me.

"Yeah. It is so bad. That bitch told them. I wanted to beat her. But I couldn't because the deal." I told her.

"Oh my gosh. Lins are you okay?" She asked me.

"Of course I am." I said.

"What did they think? How did reacted?" She asked me.

"He felt stupid. Everyone else was shocked." I said.

"Of course he felt stupid. He is stupid." She said.

"I think he wants me back." I told her. I then told her what happened.

"Oh my gosh. But would you take him back?" She asked me.

"Maybe. He just has to clean up his act. You know what I mean." I said.

"Yeah I do. You deserve so much better." She said.

"Yeah. I know. But you know how I feel about him." I said.

"I know. But he needs to stop what he is doing before he can get you. You don't deserve that shit." She said.

"Yeah I know. I am not one of his notches on his belt." I said.

"No you are not. You are better than that." She said.

"Thanks girl. You always know what to say." I said.

"That is why I am here." She said.

"So I have to go. Talk to you later." I said.

"Talk to you later. Miss you. Love you." She said.

"Love you. Miss you." I said. Then we hanged up. I smiled to myself. I miss them.

So it has been a while since everyone found out the trust. It is now a week before Regionals. We are going to be going up against Vocal Adrenaline and Warblers. We don't know anything else. Noah and I have been hanging out more often. I am falling for him all over again.

"Okay everyone here?" Mr. Shuester asked.

"Yes." I yelled.

"Okay. I know where we are going for Regionals." He said.

"Where are we going?" Noah asked.

"We are going....."

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