Chapter 17

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I don't own Another One Bites the Dust by Queen, Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson, and Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen.

"Okay. Does any one else want to go up? We can have one more group come up." Mr. Shuester said. Everyone looked at who was left. I was hoping someone will go. I want to see what they got.

"We will go Mr.Shuester." Finn said looking at Rory who was nodding in agreement.

"Okay guys." Mr. Shuester said taking a seat. Finn and Rory got up and told the band. The band started to play. Then Finn started first.

(Finn, Rory, Both)

Steve walks warily down the street,

with the brim pulled way down low

Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet,

machine guns ready to go

Are you ready, Are you ready for this

Are you hanging on the edge of your seat

Out of the doorway the bullets rip

To the sound of the beat

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone, and another one gone

Another one bites the dust

Hey, I'm gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust

How do you think I'm going to get along,

without you, when you're gone

You took me for everything that I had,

and kicked me out on my own

Are you happy, are you satisfied

How long can you stand the heat

Out of the doorway the bullets rip

To the sound of the beat


Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man

And bring him to the ground

You can beat him

You can cheat him

You can treat him bad and leave him

When he's down

But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you

I'm standing on my own two feet

Out of the doorway the bullets rip

repeating the sound of the beat

Everyone clapped for them. It was amazing job.

"Guys that was a great job. Why did you pick that song?" Mr.Shuester asked.

"Well Mr.Shuester we both like this song and artist. So why not." Rory said.

"Okay then. I think we can fit one more group so who wants to go?" He asked looking at the groups who were left.

"Fine no one else will go then Puckerman come on. These get this over with." Kurt said getting up.

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