Chapter 15

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I don't own Spring Break Up by Luke Bryan

"Well that is not the best idea. My parents are out of town and they don't like me having people over that they don't know. What about I come over to our place?" I asked.

"Okay. I understand. That's fine. But my little sibling will be there. I watch them after school when I can. If that's okay?" He said a little embarrass.

"Sam, don't be embarrass. It's fine. I love kids." I said.

"Okay." He said smiling now.

"Okay then. I will follow you after practice to your place." I said.

"Practice?" He asked.

"Yeah. Cheerios have practice. Let me guess the football team doesn't." I said looking at him.

"Yeah. We have no practice today. I can text you my address and you can come after practice." He said.

"That's a deal then." I smiled. "You have my number right." I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"Okay." I said. We were getting off the floor to headed back room. We walked back into Rachel and Quinn fighting and everyone else talking about their songs. I walked over to my things. I saw Noah watching me. I stopped and gave him a dirty look. He quickly looked away. Then the bell rang for the next class. I headed to History with Mike. We were talking about the upcoming game. I had to stop at my locker to get a few things when I got done. I turned around to a slushie thrown at me. I just stood there for a couple of minutes. I quickly turned to see who thought it.

"That was for earlier." The football player from earlier.

"Emma. Are you okay?" Mike asked me.

"How much are those slushies?" I asked him angry.

"A dollar." He told me.

"Do you have a dollar I can have?" I asked him. He gave me a dollar. I then walked away.

"Emma. What are you doing?" He yelled after me. I went to buy a slushie. I walked pass all the glee kids. I bought a red slushie. Then I went to find the football player.

I walked down the hallway looking for the football player. Then I saw him. Noah saw what was behind my back. He quickly pulled out his phone and videotaped it.

"Hey you." I said walking up to the football player. I still had the slushie on me.

"What do you want loser?" He asked.

"You will regret doing that. Karma is a bitch and this bitch is going to hit you hard." I said. I then thought the red slushie at him. Before I turned to walk away I saw him dripping with red slushie to head to toe. The satisfaction crossed my lips. I turned and saw Noah taping us. I blow him a kiss. Then I walked to the bathroom to clean myself up.

The rest of the day went by fast. Now it is after school glee practice. I was the last one to walking in. I walked in and everyone started to clap.

"You are one of the bravest glee members ever." Tina said.

"No I am not." I told them.

"Yes, you are. You are the first person to do something about it. We would never do it back to them." Finn said.

"So Puck showed you guys the video." I said to them all.

"Yup. I had to." Noah said.

"Okay. Whatever. It was nothing." I said to them. Then Mr.Shuester walked into the room. Glee went well. Then I headed to Cheerio's practice.

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