Chapter 33

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(I don't own Objects In The Rear View Mirror by: Meat Loaf, All Out of Love by: Air Supply)

"That is all I want." He said. Then he lends down and kissed me. At the moment I was happy. We a parted and I smiled at him.

"We should get back to the others." I told him.

"Yeah. Come on." He said taking my hand. We then walked to the rest of the group. So we found out that we were going last. We got our seats in the audience to wait for our turn. We watched our compaction go. First up was Haverbrook School for the Deaf.

When they started to sing. They were singing the songs we picked. I looked over to Noah and he had big eyes. Are you kidding me? How did they get our songs? Then we got up and went to the room we were using.

"Mr. Shuester what are we going to do?" Rachel asked.

"We do what we do best. Let's just come up with a new set list." I said.

"You can say that. But it is not that easy." Rachel said worried.

"Yes it is. These compaction is about true feelings." I told them.

"So what do you got?" Santana asked me.

Then we head the second group up the Warblers. That means we were going up soon.

"Okay guys. Let's calm down and let's put our heads together." Mr. Shuester said. We were thinking. Then someone knocked on the door and said,

"New Direction, you guys go on in five."

"Okay. Rachel do you have a song for the solo?" Artie asked.

"For the first time. No." She said.

"Lindsay does." Noah said to the group.

"Lindsay?" Mr. Shuester asked.

"Yes, I do. I got this." I told them.

I went to the stage and took a deep breath. It is time to make them proud. It is time to open up and show people what I got.

The skies were pure and the fields were green

And the sun was brighter than it's ever been

When I grew up with my best friend Kenny

We were close as any brothers than you ever knew

It was always summer and the future called

We were ready for adventures and we wanted them all

And there was so much left to dream and so much time to make it real

But I can still recall the sting of all the tears when he was gone

They said he crashed and burned

I know I'll never learn why any boy should die so young

We were racing, we were soldiers of fortune

We got in trouble but we sure got around

There are times I think I see him peeling out of the dark

I think he's right behind me now and he's gaining ground


But it was long ago and it was far away, oh God it seems so very far

And if life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car

And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are

And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are

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