Chapter 11

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"No. I just don't know if I can do it. Everytime he is near me I get annoyed. He is so annoying." I told him.

"Well then you have a challenge on your hands then." Jerome said smiling.

"Really is that all you have to say." I said getting mad. "He is a person I can't be nice too. One of these days I am going to dump something on this head." I told him.

"Well then to me that is you being sort of nice. Trixie when I made this bet with you I didn't want you to change who you are. I know when you are nice and I will let you know when you are mean." He told me.

"What you want me to win this bet?" I said laughing.

"No. I just don't want you to do something stupid." He said. Then we heard a knock. "Enter." Then Nina came in. "What many I help you Nina?" Jerome asked.

"To see if Patty is okay." Nina said.

"I'm fine." I told her. "And Clark whatever." I said and then left. I walked out to the living room. When I got to the living room I saw Joy and Eddie talking. I stepped out of value but I could still hear them.

"Why do you want to know how to get on her good side?" Joy asked.

"I just do." Eddie said looking around. Lucky for me he didn't see me.

"She will never let you get on her good side. I don't think any one can. I'm her best friend and I don't think I'm full on her good side." Joy said.

"Really." Eddie said.

"Yeah. Patricia has a hard time showing her feelings and she needs to fix that so people can get close to her." Joy said.

"What?" Eddie said.

"She won't let no one get close. So don't worry it is not you it is her." She said. Then Joy put her hand on Eddie's chest. I just stod there and watched my best friend flirt with him. Are you kidding me? Eddie just stod there and looked at Joy. I couldn't watch this any more. I quickly got out of there. But when I was getting out of there I hit into a small coffee table. Then Eddie and Joy turned to me.

"Patricia. Wait." Eddie yelled after me. I just quickly went upstairs. I ran pass Mara and Amber.

"Patricia. What is wrong?" Mara and Amber asked me as they ran after me. I ran into my room and shut the door. They followed me into the room. "Girly are you okay?" Mara said coming up to me.

"I'm fine." I told her trying to hold back the tears.

"Patricia. Please look at me." Mara said.

"I'm fine Mara." I told her. She came near me. Amber walked to the other side of my bed. They both sat down on each side of me.

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