Chapter 18

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"Okay." He said. We got back to the to see Joy kissing Eddie. I stopped in my track. I couldn't move. Then everyone else stopped to see the same thing. Are you kidding me? I know who is now my victum now. I walked upstairs to get started.

"Trixie where are you going?" Jerome asked. I just ignored him and kept on going. I just walked right into my room. I got my pranks out and looked through them to find the perfect prank. Then I found it the perfect prank. I was getting a few thing ready. I didn't hear the door open. I grabbed what I need and turned around to see Jerome standing there with Alfie.

"To show a person that they are messing with the wrong person." I told them.

"Patricia, who are you going after?" Alfie asked me looking at my supplies I have.

"A person. Don't worry Alfie it is not you." I told him. I was looking around to see my way out of the room. Then the door open again. Amber, Nina, and Mara walked in.

"Okay what is going on here? Is everything okay?" Mara asked us.

"Yeah. Just trying to talk Trixie out of something she is going to regret doing." Jermone said looking staight at me.

"Jerome you are my brother, my prank partner, my evil half, and you know me. If you cross my path the wrong way you are going to pay. If you are not going to join me. Then stand out of my way. Mara, I'm going to be fine after I do something." I told them but I was mainly talking to Jerome. Alfie just stood there saying nothing.

"Okay. Should we not trust you with what you have to do?" Nina asked me.

"Nina, Amber, and Mara if you ladies don't mind leaving so Trixie, Alfie, and I can talk alone." Jerome asked still looking at me.

"Sure I guess." Mara said looking at Nina and Amber. "We will be downstairs with the others." She walked out of the room with the other two. Now it was just Jerome, Alfie, and me again.

(A/N I know in an earlier chapter I said I was not going to different POV. I was wrong. I am going to different POV. It will bring the story together more better and I will tell the story better.)

*Eddie POV*

When school was over I just wanted to get out of this place. I walked about to the house by myself. Everyone esle was walking with someone. When I got to the house I saw Joy in the livingroom alone. This will be the great time to talk to her again. I really need some help asking Patricia out. I don't know. I think I am falling for Patricia Williamson. I kind of falling for her.

"Hey Joy. Can I talk to you about something important?" I said looking at her.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" She asked me.

"Okay it's about Patricia." I said sitting down on the couch. She joined me.

"What about her?" She asked as she got closer to me.

"I am thinking about asking her out. What should I do to get a yes?" I asked her.

"Oh. Can I tell you something? I rather you not get hurt. You are a sweet guy that need to know the truth." She said looking away from me.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"She doesn't like you. She can't stand even looking at you. She said that you are a nobody and that no one likes you. Everyone likes you just because they feel sorry for you." She told me.

"What really?" I don't believe that. If she thought that then she won't fight with me. "I think I should talk to her." I said to her while I was getting up.

"No. Don't." She pulling me down to her.

"Why not?" I asked. She didn't answer me. Instead she did something I didn't expect her doing. Joy kissed me. Before I know everyone for the house had entered the school. I pulled apart from Joy. I turned around to see Patricia running upstairs. Jerome and Alfie ran upstairs after her. When they didn't come down in a few minutes. Amber, Mara, and Nina went up. But they were back quickly.

"What is going on?" I asked them.

"We don't know. Jerome wanted to talk to her alone with Alfie." Mara said.

*Patricia POV*

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Do you really want to do this? Why do you want to do this?" He asked me.

"I do want to it. I told her something I didn't tell you guys." I told them.

"What was it?" Alfie asked me.

"I told her that..."

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