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**A/N** This was written in the spur of the moment. I apologize in advance for it being cliché, and not very well worded. Keep in mind I came from the heart with this one.

I don't know what to say anymore.

My 18th birthday is in two days
and I feel nothing
but sadness
and stress
and pain.

Both for myself
and everyone else that's suffering.

I know I should be excited.
But I'm not.

Today I stressed out
over a test that
I had a week to study for
but didn't.

Today I got angry over things
like underclassmen being too loud,
or having to eat lunch last at school.

and every day,
I take everything I have
for granted.

And I'm so so sorry.

I'm writing this now for everyone who has lost everything in the last few weeks.

In Montana.
In Florida.
In Canada.
On the islands.
And everywhere else, and even the places that aren't talked about.

This if for the ones who lost their homes,
and their pets,
and their family and friends.

My heart goes out to you.

I know you won't see this for awhile.
Or maybe not at all.

But I'm writing this because I'm sorry.
And I'm worried for you.
And I'm worried about all of us as a whole.

I feel so guilty stressing about tests and school and homework,
when there are people out there
and starving,
and alone.

And I know that there have been
millions suffering for longer than just
the last week,
but I've been thinking about it a lot.

Dear anyone who has suffered or is currently suffering,
I'm sorry.
I want to help you, and I would if I had the chance.
But this is the only way I can.
I'm writing this to tell you to be strong, and that even though life is so very difficult right now, you'll make it though.
And I know that's no consolation.
A random teenager writing a letter to strangers on an app, but I mean well.

My heart is with you.
And I'm trying to get money to help as I write this.
I'm trying.

Dear anyone who is lost,
and alone,
and in need of a sign to keep trying.
To keep breathing and fighting and to know that everything will be okay in the end.

This is it.

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