fourteen; second

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Third times a charm is how the saying goes.

However, Scott never understood why the third time had to be the charm. Why couldn't a person have extreme luck the first time around? Or, on the opposite side of things, why couldn't a person still be struggling at the fourth of fifth or even tenth time?

But it in Scott's mind today, it was why not the second.

Admittedly, the first time doing something was bound to go wrong. He knew that, and he was sure everyone else knew that. But god, he was sure as hell hoping that today, the second time would be the charm.

"Mitchy?" Scott said, speaking just louder than the other chatter that was going on.

"Hm?" Mitch hummed, not taking his eyes off of the TV screen. Scott sighed deeply.

"Hey," he tried again, hoping a slightly different tone would get Mitch to look at him. And when he did, Scott's breath nearly caught in his throat.

They had been even closer than normal these past few weeks for reasons Scott was far too aware of. In the past, not a day would go by where they weren't on top of one another, both figuratively and literally. But lately, they barely let an hour go by without each other. They let being on top of each other slowly become more literal, one of the instances being now, where the two were curled up together in Scott's bed.

And Scott was more or less fine with this. But now that Mitch was staring at him, waiting and letting this continue to play out didn't seem like the worst idea.

"What?" He asked in a neutral enough voice. Some part of Scott's brain made the word sound harsher than it actually was, but the other parts knew better. After a moment of being unable to answer, Mitch's eyes softened even more and he pushed himself closer to Scott.

And suddenly, Scott couldn't help but let the question slip from his lips.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

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